EBISOA Refereeing High School 11/2013 Clinic
Odd Differences Pre-game conference with coaches/captains Captains can to talk to the referee You explain red/yellow cards to Coaches Coaches can be shown the red/yellow card
Odd Differences We wear the EBISOA badge We wear the 3-stripe sock You can wear a hat! Arrive minutes before kickoff
The Clock We stop the clock, not add time – At goals, injuries, red/yellow card, PK – Varsity coaches know this (more than JV) – Stadium clocks, if any, will count down to 2 – Don’t practice this for the first time if you are a CR with only one watch – Still not a good idea to DOSGO
Set Your Technical Area Teams diagonal from each other Bench 10 yards from the half Keep all rostered personel there! It makes substitutions easy to spot!
The Pre-Game Conference “Coaches and Captains, this game is part of the educational experience for your players. You are representing your schools and we expect you to demonstrate good sporting behavior at all times. Coaches, are you players properly and legally equipped to play this game?”
Customer Requests Professionalism, Neutrality, Decorum – After your first handshake, the coach’s name is “coach” and your name is “ref” (or “sir”) – Deal with coaches and admin, not spectators – Appearance matters Safety is Paramount ADs say: they want it tight
Customer Requests Stop Incidental Foul Language – Usually uttered in frustration, and there are three common words: F---, S---, and Pu-- – If you hear it, and you think others might, card the offender. We can stop this early in the season. – Language (foul or not) directed in anger at others is treated differently (dissent, abusive language)
Concussions See training at nfhslearn.com Report concussions on GameOfficials.Net Also send separate to Steve Larsen