Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 CARE-HHH progress 2 nd quarter 2006 Francesco Ruggiero, Walter Scandale, Frank Zimmermann (substituting for F.R.) High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams Supported by the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 “Structuring the European Research Area” programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT ).
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 CARE-HHH Network: 3 work packages WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) coordinated by L. Rossi (CERN) and L. Bottura (CERN) keywords: stability and quench limit of LHC insertion magnets, pulsed magnets for LHC and GSI accelerator complex upgrade, magnets for booster ring, high field magnet design, optimisation of the overall cost WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) coordinated by H. Schmickler (CERN) and K. Wittenburg (DESY) keywords: tools and diagnostic systems for luminosity, wire for beam- beam compensation, advanced transverse beam diagnostics, feedback loops for orbit, chromaticity and coupling, advanced beam halo diagnostics, remote diagnostics and maintenance of instrumentation WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) coordinated by F. Ruggiero (CERN) and F. Zimmermann (CERN) keywords: Interaction Region design for LHC luminosity upgrade, optics design for booster synchrotrons, impedance calculations, structured list of intensity limits, electron cloud effects, beam measurements and advanced theoretical studies (including collimation, halo formation, and loss mechanisms)
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 highlights PhD student & summer student working on the database for superconducting cable and magnets in the frame of WP1 (AMT) WP3 (APD) laid groundwork for limiting the options of LHC IR upgrade scenarios and helped to determine basic parameters for the FAIR project at GSI and upgraded CERN accelerator complex (PS+, PS2 and SPS+) CARE-sponsored CERN-GSI bilateral meeting end of March joint long-range beam-beam experiments at BNL RHIC & common simulation effort at 5 laboratories CARE supported meeting organized by INFN on the use of crystals in HEP and particle accelerators numerous invited or contributed CARE-HHH presentations at several workshops & conferences (RPIA2006, EPAC’06, HB’06, Channeling’06) advances on detector-integrated dipoles or quadrupoles for an LHC upgrade, optics designs for a new LHC interaction-region, crab-cavity options, pulsed SC magnets, magnets for booster rings, optics of fast cycling injectors, beam instrumentation, and structured list of beam intensity limits extension of web-base code repository and support for code benchmarking (summer student) in the frame of WP3 (APD) launched experiment in the CERN-SPS H8 area to explore the possibility of crystal collimation, with the joint support of CARE and INTAS.
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 March 2006: Invited contributions to the RPIA2006 Workshop organized by KEK. F. Zimmermann discussed Possible Uses of Rapid Switching Devices and Induction RF for an LHC Upgrade and convened a working group on Assessment of the Wire Lens at LHC from the current Pulse Power Technology Point of View; U. Dorda discussed Simulation of LHC Long- Range Beam-Beam Compensation with DC and Pulsed Wires CARE-HHH-APD mini-Workshop on Crystal Channeling, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 9–10 March CARE-HHH-APD CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects–Coordination of Theory and Experiments, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 30–31 March CARE-HHH-AMT Workshop on Accelerator Magnet Design and Optimization (WAMDO), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 3–6 April 2006 April 2006: Hermann Schmickler took part in the US-LARP Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, CA April 2006: Calculation of wake field for LHC electron-cloud clearing electrodes (design of P. McIntyre/Texas A&M within CARE-HHH) by W. Bruns May/June 2006: Invited contributions to the ICFA HB2006 Workshop jointly organized by KEK& JAEA. F. Zimmermann presented LHC Upgrade Options and CARE-HHH Activities and also Electron-Cloud Benchmarking & CARE-HHH Codes CARE-HHH activities in detail, March-June
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 June 2006: Contributions to EPAC 2006 (Edinburgh, U.K.): Papers of W. Scandale, LHC Luminosity and Energy Upgrades [invited overview of CARE-HHH]; E. Laface, R. Ostojic, W. Scandale, D. Tommasini, C. Santoni, Interaction Region with Slim Quadrupoles [IR upgrade option]; R. de Maria, O.S. Brüning, P. Raimondi, LHC IR Upgrade: A Dipole First Option with Local Chromaticity Correction; [IR upgrade option]; R. de Maria, O.S. Brüning, A Low Gradient Triplet Quadrupole Layout Compatible with NbTi Magnet Technology and Beta*=0.25m [IR upgrade option]; J.-P. Koutchouk, Investigations of the Parameter Space for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade [attempt at LHC upgrade parameter optimization]; J.-P. Koutchouk, G. Sterbini, An Early Beam Separation Scheme for the LHC [IR upgrade option]; Faus-Golfe J. Resta-López, F. Zimmermann, Non-linear Collimation in Linear and Circular Colliders [CERN-Valencia collaboration within CARE-HHH, invited presentation addressing a way to overcome the LHC intensity limitation]; J. Resta-López, R.W. Assmann, S. Redaelli, J. Resta-López, G. Robert- Demolaize, D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann, A. Faus-Golfe, An Alternative Nonlinear Collimation System for the LHC [details on the previous scheme]; CARE-HHH activities in detail, June
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 June 2006: Further contributions to EPAC 2006 (Edinburgh, U.K.): Papers of W. Fischer, R. Calaga, U. Dorda, J.-P. Koutchouk, F. Zimmermann, A.C. Kabel, J. Qiang,V.H. Ranjibar, T. Sen, J. Shi, Observation of the Long-range Beam-beam Effect in RHIC and Plans for Compensation [collaboration of CARE-HHH with US- LARP] F. Zimmermann et al, Accelerator Physics Code Web Repository [activity triggered by CARE-HHH performed in large international collaboration]; E. Benedetto, G. Franchetti, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, Resonance Trapping, Halo Formation and Incoherent Emittance Growth due to e- Cloud [CERN-GSI collaboration within CARE-HHH]; T. Demma, S. Petracca, F. Ruggiero, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann, Maps for Electron Clouds: Application to LHC [collaboration of CERN and U. Sannio within CARE-HHH]; U. Iriso, G. Rumolo, Benchmarking Electron Cloud Data with Computer Simulation Codes [related to CARE-HHH code benchmarking activity]; G. Rumolo, E. Métral, E.N. Shaposhnikova, Simulation Study on the Energy Dependence of the TMCI Threshold in the CERN-SPS [exploring optimum energy of new synchrotrons] CARE-HHH activities in detail, June-August
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 July&August’06: Extension of web based code repository included in the CARE-HHH-APD work packages and support of code benchmarking activities (summer student C. Lapoire supervised by F. Zimmermann); July 2006: Publication of the proceedings of 2 nd CARE-HHH-APD Workshop “LHC-LUMI-05” as CARE -Conf HHH July 2006: International Conference co-organized by CARE-HHH-APD on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena (Channeling 2006),Frascati, Italy. Invited presentation by W. Scandale on Perspectives for Crystal Collimation. July and August 2006: preparation of the CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on “Towards a Roadmap for the Upgrade of the LHC and GSI Accelerator Complex (LHC-LUMI-06)”, IFIC, Valencia, 16/10-20/10/2006: July and August 2006: preparation of the CARE-HHH-AMT: LER – Workshop on the Low Energy Ring study, CERN 11/10-12/10/2006: July and August 2006: 1st and 2nd meeting of the LHC crab cavity study group (see minutes Cavity/crabcavity.htm ). Cavity/crabcavity.htm Sept.2006: start preparation of CARE-HHH & EUROTeV Mini-Workshop ECL2; Technological Solutions to e-Cloud Problem, CERN, February’07 CARE-HHH activities in detail, July-September
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 Planning of Future CARE-HHH Workshops in (1) CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on “Towards a Roadmap for the Upgrade of the LHC and GSI Accelerator Complex (LHC-LUMI-06)”, IFIC, Valencia, 16./ /2006: Topics: Establish a forward looking ‘baseline’ scenario for the LHC luminosity upgrade; agree on and apply suitable criteria for the performance rating; select optimum LHC bunch spacing and bunch spacing; determine whether long bunches are a viable back-up option; explore possibilities of detector integrated dipoles and quadrupoles; discuss prospects for feedback in coast, crab cavities, collimation and machine protection at an LHC upgrade Scientific rating of alternative scenarios for the upgrade of the CERN accelerator complex and a review of the performance of FAIR synchrotrons, including lattice, RF, beam impedance, collimation, and losses for PS+, PS2, SPS+ and SIS100/300; the workshop outcome will be a structured list of intensity limits, possible methods to overcome them, and a list of parameters for pulsed s.c. dipole magnets leading to a common R&D programme at CERN and GSI.
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 Planning of Future CARE-HHH Workshops in (2) 4 th CARE-HHH-ABI topical workshop, September 28/ , in Luebeck Topics: Specific beam instrumentation technology
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 Planning of Future CARE-HHH Workshops in (3) CARE-HHH-AMT Workshop on a Low Energy Ring (LER) in the LHC tunnel as main injector, CERN, 11/10-12/10/2006: Topics: Explore general layout of LER and single out parts which may constitute a basic impediment to its viability; provide a frame where the proponents of such an option can meet with experts of the CERN accelerator complex and establish a common understanding of the path ahead; the workshop should try to give a recommendation in terms of feasibility and time scale of such a project
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 Planning of Future CARE-HHH Workshops in 2007 (4) CARE-HHH-APD & EUROTEV-WP3 Joint Mini-Workshop on Technological Solutions to the Electron-Cloud Problem (ECL2), CERN, February 2007 Topics: Explore electron cloud effects and technological consequences Instabilities and lifetime degradation for PS+, PS2, SPS(+), and LHC High and low-impedance clearing electrodes Clearing electrodes on enamel basis Getter coatings Other surface treatments
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 CARE-HHH web based code repository & code benchmarking tartup web site with LHC IR upgrade optics hhh/SuperLHC_IRoptics/IRoptics.html progress examples R. Tomas et al R.. Basset, C. Lapoire, F.Z., + community
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 more progress examples crab cavity design R. Calaga, R. Tomas J. Tuckmantel spoke crab cavity?
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 still more progress: Flat Beam Optics Triplet beam screen orientation for H/V crossing Effect of decreasing the beam aspect ratio at the IP (and increasing the vert. X-angle) Effect of increasing the beam aspect ratio at the IP (and decreasing the vert. X-angle) In all cases, the average b-b separation is set to 9.5* x/y (for H/V crossing) Find optimum between beam-screen and beam aspect ratio S. Fartoukh can already push luminosity of nominal LHC by 10-20% ↔HHH spin-off
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 documents, subtask status, milestones, deliverables & gantt tables on following slides
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 # CARE document type and number TitleAuthors and LabsDate 1 CARE-Report HHH Annual Report 2005 of the HHH CollaborationEditors F. Ruggiero, W. Scandale January CARE-Conf HHH Non-linear Collimation in Linear and Circular Colliders A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta-López /U. Valencia, F. Zimmermann / CERN June CARE-Conf HHH Proceedings of the LHC-LUMI-05 Workshop Editors F. Ruggiero, W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann / CERN July CARE-Conf HHH LHC Upgrade Options and CARE-HHH ActivitiesF. Zimmermann / CERNJune CARE-Conf HHH Electron-Cloud Benchmarking and CARE-HHH CodesF. Zimmermann / CERNJune CARE-Conf HHH LHC Luminosity and Energy UpgradesW. Scandale / CERNJune CARE-Conf HHH Accelerator Physics Code Web RepositoryF. Zimmermann et al (many labs)June CARE-Conf HHH Possible Uses of Rapid Switching Devices and Induction RF for an LHC Upgrade F. Zimmermann / CERN March CARE-Conf HHH Assessment of the Wire Lens at LHC from the current Pulse Power Technology Point of View F. Zimmermann, U. Dorda et al (CERN, KEK, LLNL) March CARE-Conf HHH Simulation of LHC Long-Range Beam-Beam Compensation with DC and Pulsed Wires U. Dorda, F. Zimmermann / CERN March CARE-Conf HHH Simulation Study on the Energy Dependence of the TMCI Threshold in the CERN-SPS G. Rumolo, E. Métral, E.N. Shaposhnikova / CERN June CARE-Conf HHH Benchmarking Electron Cloud Data with Computer Simulation Codes U. Iriso / CELLS, G. Rumolo / CERN June 0206 list of HHH documents issued in 2006
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 # CARE document type and number TitleAuthors and LabsDate 13 CARE-Conf HHHMaps for Electron Clouds: Application to LHC T. Demma, S. Petracca /U. Sannio, F. Ruggiero, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann (CERN) June CARE-Conf HHH Observation of the Long-range Beam-beam Effect in RHIC and Plans for Compensation W. Fischer et al / US-LARP, FNAL, BNL, SLAC, LBNL, Kansas U., CERN June CARE-Conf HHH Resonance Trapping, Halo Formation and Incoherent Emittance Growth due to Electron Cloud E. Benedetto / CERN & P. Torino, G. Franchetti / GSI, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann / CERN June CARE-Conf HHH An Alternative Nonlinear Collimation System for the LHC J. Resta Lopez et al / U. Valencia & CERN June CARE-Conf HHHAn Early Beam Separation Scheme for the LHCJ.-P. Koutchouk, G. Sterbini / CERNJune CARE-Conf HHH Investigations of the Parameter Space for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade J.-P. Koutchouk / CERNJune CARE-Conf HHHInteraction Region with Slim Quadrupoles E. Laface, R. Ostojic, W. Scandale, D. Tommasini, C. Santoni / CERN June CARE-Note HHH Main Outlines of the Workshop on Beam Generated Heat Deposition and Quench Levels for LHC Magnets R. Assmann et al. September CARE-Note HHH Use of HERA Magnets for the SPS+-SLHC Transfer Lines Possible Upgrade of the LHC Injection Lines to 900 GeV using HERA Dipoles K.-H. Mess & D. Smekens September LHC IR Upgrade: A Dipole First Option with Local Chromaticity Correction, R. de Maria, O.S. Brüning, P. Raimondi, June A Low Gradient Triplet Quadrupole Layout Compatible with NbTi Magnet Technology & Beta*=0.25m R. de Maria, O.S. Brüning, June 2006 list of HHH documents issued in 2006 cont’d
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 WBS #Title Original begin date (Annex 1) Original end date (annex1) Estimated Status Revised end date GeneralMS: annual HHH meeting HHH coordination meeting (ID8)T %On time: T AMTCoordinate conductor development and testsT4-2005T %Delayed to: T ID: Proceedings of AMT mini-workshop on Beam Generated Heat&Magnet Quench Level T4-2005T %On time: T Web based database for SC Cables & MagnetsT3-2004T %Delayed to T MS: specific meeting on databaseT %Delayed to T ID: first report on web based databaseT %Delayed to T Catalogue of numerical codes for AMT1&4T1-2004T %Delayed to T Comparison of codes for AMT1 and AMT4T1-2004T %Delayed to T Identifications of main limiting issuesT2-2004T %Delayed to T MS: AMT workshop on Accelerator Magnet Design and Optimization (WAMDO) T %On time: T ID: Proceedings of AMT WAMDO workshopT %?Delayed to T Comparison of different IR options (AMT4) and steering of LARP magnet developments T4-2005T %Delayed to: T MS: WS on Coil Manufacturing OptimizationT %Suspended Pulsed SC magnets for GSI and LHC injectorsT4-2005T %Delayed to: T ID: Proc. AMT workshop ECOMAG-05T %On time T Comparative studies of alternatives using low field magnets for AMT2 and AMT3 T3-2004T %Delayed to T Scaling law for magnets and cryogenic costT4-2004T %Delayed to T MS: preliminary report on scaling law for magnets and cryogenic cost for AMT5 T %Delayed to: T : Status of the lowest Sub tasks level in the WP which are supposed to have started according to the MS project breakdown in Annex 1
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 WBS #Title Original begin date (Annex 1) Original end date (annex1) Estimated Status Revised end date ABIDefinition of possible new milestonesT4-2005T %On time: T ID: proceedings of the third ABI workshopT %On time: T Contribution to US-LARP activities/events and possible synergy with HHH WP1-WP3 T1-2006T %On time: T Study of further beam instrumentation challenges for LHC commissioning+upgrade T1-2006T %On time: T APDMS: 2nd mini-WS on Crystal CollimationT4-2005T %Delayed to: T ID: Proceedings o LUMI-05T1-2004T %Delayed to T Maintain beam dynamics codes repositoryT1-2005T %On time: T Compare and further document benchmarked codes and alternative IR optics T1-2005T %On time: T MS: Creation of a web reference for alternative IR and synchrotron optics T %Delayed to T Optics designs IR and booster synchrotronsT4-2005T %Delayed to T Impedance budget for booster synchrotronsT4-2005T %Delayed to T ID: First structured list of intensity limits for booster synchrotrons and LHC T %Delayed to T Beam dynamics studies and experiments to validate different options (APD1-2, APD6-7) T4-2004T %On time: T Studies relevant to US-LARP eventsT4-2005T %On time: T Roadmap for Synchrotron and IR designsT4-2005T %On time: T Preparation of beam measurements for SPS+LARP high intensity tests and LHC commissioning T2-2006T %On time: T : Status of the lowest Sub tasks level in the WP which are supposed to have started according to the MS project breakdown in Annex 1
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 WBS #TitleDue date in Annex 1StatusRevised delivery date General 8MS: annual HHH meetingT %T WP1-AMT 15 ID: Proceedings of AMT mini-workshop on Beam Generated Heat and Magnet Quench Level T %T MS: specific meeting on databaseT %T ID: first report on web based databaseT %T MS: AMT workshop on Accelerator Magnet Design and Optimization (WAMDO) T %T ID: Proceedings of AMT WAMDO workshopT %T MS: AMT workshop on Coil Manufacturing Optimization T %Suspended 25 ID: Proceedings of the AMT workshop ECOMAG-05 T %T MS: Possible AMT workshop on HF and LF magnets T %T MS: preliminary report on scaling law for magnets and cryogenic cost for AMT5 T %T ID: Interim report on AMT activities and reporting at the general CARE meeting T %T WP2-ABI 35 ID: Proceedings of the 3rd ABI topical workshop T %T Status with respect to the interim reports and deliverables to be done in 2006 according to MS project breakdown
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 WBS #TitleDue date in Annex 1StatusRevised delivery date W3-APD 45 MS: 2nd APD mini-workshop on Crystal Collimation T %T ID: Proceedings of the 2nd APD topical workshop (LUMI-05) T %T MS: Creation of a web reference for alternative IR and synchrotron optics T %T ID: First structured list of intensity limits for booster synchrotrons and LHC T %T MS: 3rd APD topical workshop on Fast Synchrotrons and IR design T %T ID: Proceedings of the 3rd APD topical workshop T %T ID: Interim report on APD activities and reporting at the general CARE meeting T %T Status with respect to the interim reports and deliverables to be done in 2006 according to MS project breakdown
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 Gantt table of the HHH Network progress in 2006 and expected progress in 2007
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 Gantt table of the HHH Network progress in 2006 and expected progress in 2007
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 HHH highlight on crystal collimation - yesterday’s result!
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 crystal channeling & reflection demonstrated in SPS H ! technology and experiment prepared with CARE support Si-strip detector 65 m behind crystal 10- rad reflection over 1 m distance ↔ T field! >99% efficiency channeled reflected unperturbed or scattered
Frank Zimmermann, HHH 2 nd quarter 2006 conclusions HHH work internationally recognized HHH gained initiative in many areas and launched several novel activities at the forefront of accelerator R&D HHH results benefit full accelerator community CARE-HHH is “high-return investment for Europe” workshops in fall’06 & winter ‘07 will be exciting