Second in Command Joshua 5:13-15 Interrogation by Joshua (13) Revelation for Joshua (14,15) Respect by Joshua (14)
Second in Command The interrogation by Joshua vs. 13 Courage of the interrogation Joshua’s challenge 1 John 4:1 Measuring the challenge Isaiah 8:20 Respecting the truth Conviction of the interrogation Joshua was black and white Joshua was a statesman not a politician
Second in Command Revelation for Joshua vs. 14,15 The Savior in the revelation “The angel of the Lord” Genesis 16:7 Hagar Genesis 18:1ff Abraham Genesis 32:24-30 Jacob Judges 6:12-18 Gideon Daniel 3:25 Shack, Rack,& Benny Genesis 14:17-24 Melchizedek
Second in Command The Savior in the revelation - cont’d “Lord’s hosts 2 Kings 6:17 More to this world than we see A suitable revelation God meets us where we are Genesis 15:1 protection & promise Joshua 5:13 military might
Second in Command Respect by Joshua vs. 14 Position – outranked by a Captain Hebrews 2:10 Philippians 2:10 Immediate Prayer Opens to God’s leading Worship & Service are inseparable! Matt.4:10
Second in Command Respect by Joshua (cont’d) Precept Performance When you pray like Joshua, God will answer that prayer! When you volunteer to serve as Joshua did, God will give you something to do! Performance Those who command well obey well!
A Significant Sequence Second in Command A Significant Sequence Humble Worship Ephesians 3:14 Holy Walk Ephesians 4:1,17 Heavenly Warfare Ephesians 6:10
Second in Command Planning Principles According to Hudson Taylor there are three : Make the best plans we can and carry them out to the best of our abilities. Lay our plans and determine to carry them through. Then ask God to prosper them. Begin with God. Ask for His plans. Then offer ourselves to Him to carry out His purposes.
Second in Command Application 1. Worship & obedience are inseparable. How is your worship? Is it obedient? 2. The God & Creator of the universe dwells inside of you. Therefore where ever you stand is Holy ground. In what state is your Holy ground?