How do politics in Africa impact standard of living?
SS7CG3: The student will analyze how politics in Africa impacts standard of living. a. Compare how various factors, including gender, affect access to education in Kenya and Sudan.
Kenya 1.half of Kenyan children attend school. 2.shortage of schools, teachers and textbooks 3.girls not usually allowed to go to school if they have brothers (money) 4.girls opt out of school because of safety concerns 5.girls usually have responsibilities at home factors that effect access to education
Kenya The Kenyan government has made improving education a priority. They have started a several government programs for building schools and eliminating fees for children who want to go to school.
MalesFemales Attend school for an average of 10 years 83.2% literacy rate (15-24 year olds) Attend school for an average of 9 years 81.6% literacy rate (15-24 year olds) Kenya
Sudan 1.Civil war has limited education in the South of Sudan and in Darfur (in the West) funding for schools 3.few trained teachers 4.Christian schools closed 5.girls leave school at ten; learning at home deemed more important. factors that effect access to education
The Republic of Sudan has not made quite the progress in education that one sees in Kenya. The Republic of Sudan has been involved in a civil war for five decades, resulting in the creation of South Sudan in July, Sudan
MalesFemales Attend school for an average of 10 years 83.3% literacy rate Attend school for an average of 9 years 68.6% literacy rate Sudan
Show what you know Think about what your life would be like if you didn’t have a school to attend. How would your life be different? Explain your answer in detail.