“I Will Give You Rest” Matthew 11:28-30
Rest from Christ is sweeter still! Matt. 11:28-30 Rest awhile Mk. 6:31 (7, 12, 30) Rest from Christ is sweeter still! Matt. 11:28-30 Ah, sweet rest!
Jesus Gives Us Rest From Sin Rest for the soul – Matt. 11:29; Psa. 38:3-5 From God’s just wrath against our sin – Psa. 38:3; Rom. 1:18; 2:5 From the weight of sin – Psa. 38:4-5 (32:3-4) Find rest now! Matt. 11:28; Mk. 16:16; Rom. 6:2-6; 12:1-2; Jer. 6:16
Jesus Gives Us Rest From the World (Jno. 16:33) From enemies of the faith Israel – Josh. 1:13; 21:44; Isa. 30:15-16 From evil men & their worldly influences – 1 Cor. 15:33 Companionship of saints! – Rom. 12:10-13; 1 Pet. 4:4
Jesus Gives Us Rest From Anxieties of Life (Matt. 6:24-34) In life we are easily distracted – Luke 10:38-42 (cf. Acts 16:26-27, 34) Cast anxieties on the Lord – 1 Pet. 5:6-7 Will grow in humility & faith (v. 6) Will grow in spiritual focus (Jas. 5:13) Concern -- Comfort (2 Cor. 2:12-13; 7:6-7) Remember God’s great works – 1 Sam. 12:24-25 (Psa. 116:7)
Jesus Gives Us Rest From an Aimless Life We live in the presence of the Lord – (cf. Matt. 12:43) Moses & Israel – Exo. 33:12-16 (18-23) Fellowship with Christ gives direction, focus & worth to the Christian’s life! Phil. 3:8-12; Heb. 13:5-6 (Rom. 8:37-39)
There is a Rest that Remains Hebrews 4:1-3, 9-11 Eternal rest of heaven for the faithful – Rev. 14:12-13 Rest: “the heavenly blessedness in which God dwells…after the toils & trials of life on earth are ended” Rest in hope of resurrection (Acts 2:26) When Christ returns (2 Ths. 1:7)
Come to Jesus now and have rest forever more! “I will give you rest” Jesus gives the faithful rest now, and eternal rest afterward Disobedient & faithless do not enter rest (Heb. 3:11, 18-19, Rev. 14:11) Come to Jesus now and have rest forever more!