What was the Pale?
Connect the learning… This lesson will look at the first successful planned settlement of Ireland beyond the Pale. To many, this can be seen as the root of the troubles between Britain and Ireland. Learning outcomes… to understand WHY there was a planned settlement in Ireland. To use fiction as well as historical texts to work out the process and implication of plantations.
The Year is 1607 and the ‘Flight of the Earls’ has just taken place. As a member of the government, you have to decide how best to keep Ireland in line. You have 5 minutes to come up with a solution.
What can we learn from this about: The history of plantation in Ireland? The process of Plantation in Ulster? The Planters (people who are taking over the land)? What does it leave us still to question?
So how well did Edward Rutherford do his research? Read p39-42 (third par. Ending “Irish quarter”) of Robert Kee. In a different coloured pen, add any additional information he gives you about Plantation. Are the any anomalies?
What do you think the consequences of Plantation would be for: The British administration/government? The Planters? The Native Irish? Anglo-Irish relations?