Destrehan Plantation
About the Destrehan Plantation The sands of Louisiana time seem to stand still for a moment at Destrehan Plantation. This majestic antebellum home watches over the banks of the great Mississippi River, just minutes from New Orleans. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Destrehan Plantation was established in 1787 and remains the oldest documented plantation home in the lower Mississippi River Valley. (PDF)Brochure (PDF)
The Legacy Jean Noel Destrehan descended from a long line of noble French families and purchased the property that became Destrehan Plantation from his father-in-law’s estate. During Jean Noel’s lifetime, he was a cornerstone of Louisiana History. Jean Noel helped shape the economic situation of the South when he and his brother-in-law, Eitienne deBore perfected the granulation of sugar. Jean Noel was active in the political arena all his life and was well respected for his fairness and intelligence. He and his wife Celeste had 14 children. Nicholas Noel Destrehan was the fourth son of Jean Noel. Active in the sugarcane industry, he lost his right arm in an accident on his plantation. It is said that Nicholas helped his son-in- law develop the lock system for the Harvey Canal. Marie Eleonore "Zelia" Destrehan married Stephen Henderson when she was just 16 years old. Stephen was 30 years her senior. They purchased Destrehan Plantation after Jean Noel’s death. Stephen Henderson was a Scotsman who entered the United States penniless. By the time Henderson married Zelia he was a millionaire. His will was controversial, because he wanted to free all of his slaves. The will was contested and never acted upon. Azby Destrehan - The only surviving son of Nicholas Noel and also the only male grandson of Jean Noel. Azby’s unusual name has led to much speculation about its origin. Judge Pierre Rost married Louise Odile Destrehan. They purchased Destrehan Plantation following Stephen Henderson’s death. Lydia Rost was the middle child of Pierre and Louise. Her heartbreaking death in 1853 at the age of 17, followed by her brother Henri’s death days later was caused by yellow fever. The year of 1853 was to be the largest epidemic outbreak of yellow fever ever recorded in New Orleans, claiming over 12,000 lives. Louise Destrehan Harvey, daughter of Nicholas Noel, married Joseph Hale Harvey, a famous naval captain. Joseph Hale Harvey is credited with the planning and building of the Harvey Canal.