During this lab we watered our plants, we weighed our plants before and after we watered them, we used the triple-bean balance to measure the weight in grams, We used a graduated cylinder to measure the liquid in milliliters (ML)and we recorded our information onto a piece of paper. What we wanted to find out was if our plant was going to grow. Our plant did not grow, not even a little it stayed tucked away in its seed.
In this slide you are to write whether your group was a control group or an experimental group. I was a control group. State your hypothesis, my hypothesis was that my plant was going to grow and be a flower.
Insert Chart Insert Graph DateDry Wt.Wet Wt.Difference 4/17/ /18/ /20/ /23/ /30/
What happened during your experiment? › Our plant could of used real sunlight instead of a heat lamp, it could also have used the water with vinegar and salt. First our graph shows that our plant didn’t grow, second our graph showed that before we watered the plant it was litter than when we watered It, finally our graph showed that the differences between both watered and not watered was always a really big difference.
My hypothesis that stated…was incorrect. Why do you think this happened? I think this happened because the plants didn’t have real sunlight and the water that we watered it with didn’t have vinegar and salt in it. What was something you learned from this experiment? Something I learned from this experiment was that plants grow better when they are watered with vinegar and salt. How would you alter this experiment for future use? Maybe planting the seeds out side and have them grow out there, and every day we could go out and water them.