. 9/26/11 66 A Beady Balance 10/16/ A beady Balance 10/16/2015 Starter: Quiz Application/Connection: Beady Balance Activity You will work with a partner and turn this end by the end of class Exit: Use the chemical formula for glucose to answer questions C 6 H 12 O 6 1.How many atoms are in the glucose formula? 2.The number of elements in the formula is …_______ 3. There (is)are ______ compound(s) in the glucose formula. Practice: Beady Balance Example EQ: How do chemical reactions obey the law of conservation of mass?
October 16, 2015 AGENDA 8.5 F. I will be able to recognize whether a chemical equation containing coefficients is balanced or not and how that relates to the law of conservation of mass by reading, and writing while completing notes and activity. 1 Starter 2. Practice 3. Activity 4. Exit
DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 9/25 Test Review /29 Periodic Puzzles /30 Bohr Model Challenge /1 Wheres Al? /2 Element Wanted Poster /6 Molecules, Compounds, and Elements /07 Build a Molecule Activity /8 Counting Atoms /09 Counting Atoms with Coefficients /10 Chemical Formula Writing /13 Writing Chemical Formulas /14 Chemical Equations and the Conservation of Mass /15 Balancing Act /16 A Beady Balance 65-66
Practice Look at the equation. Using the key, place the color beads on the table that matches each element. Decide if the equation is balanced or not. ElementColorQuantity H Blue 8 Cl Red 3 O Yellow 8 N Green 4 C Orange 4 Na Pink 4 FePurple3 Unbalanced
Application/Connection Al O Cu H Fe Cl S + =>=> + =>=> + + =>=> +=>=> + =>=> +=>=> Cu + 2 HCl => 2 CuCl + H 2 4 Al + 3O 2 = 2 Al 2 O 3
. 9/26/11 66 A Beady Balance 10/16/ A beady Balance 10/16/2015 Starter: Quiz Application/Connection: Beady Balance Activity You will work with a partner and turn this end by the end of class Exit: Use the chemical formula for glucose to answer questions C 6 H 12 O 6 1.How many atoms are in the glucose formula? 2.The number of elements in the formula is …_______ 3. There (is)are ______ compound(s) in the glucose formula. Practice: Beady Balance Example EQ: How do chemical reactions obey the law of conservation of mass?