Cortex – tissue inside the epidermis, storage organ Endodermis – a single layer of cells that acts as a wall between cortex and pericycle. Pericycle – a layer of cells inside the endodermis. Brach roots come from it Phloem – takes glucose from leaves Xylem – moves water and minerals from the roots up through the plant FROM FROM
Apical meristem – these are tissues at the end of the stem that provide stem elongation Epidermis – outer layer of some waxy cells that provides protection and covering Cortex – tissuses of stem connected to epidermus Vascular bundle Xylem tissues – a woody tissue that flows water and minerals through the plant. Phloem tissues (inner bark) – flows plant food (glucose) through plant Pith – in the middle of dicot plant stems. Supports stem FROM FROM
Epidermis – outer layer of tissues Cuticle – waxy outer layer of epidermis that stops water loss on leaves, stems, and fruits. Leaf hairs – a part of the epidermis Palisade layer – a packed layer of tissues filled with chloroplasts Chloroplasts – contain chlorophyll and are a major part of photosynthesis Vascular bundle – like “leaf veins” tissue. Spongy mesophyll – layer of tissues, facilitates movement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Stomata –openings in leaves that allow for gas exchange Guard cells – kidney-shaped cells that open and close the stomata like a cell membrane. FROM FROM