Classroom Procedures This is how you do it!
Entrance of Room Once you have entered my room, you can not leave again. This means what? During passing period if you enter my room to drop off your supplies, you have to stay in my room. You can not go back into the hall to chat with your buddies
Leaving my Room Once the bell rings for dismissal it must be: QUIET AND EVERYONE MUST BE IN THEIR ASSIGNED SEATS Once this happens I will dismiss you…..the longer you take to get quiet and seated, the less time you get in the halls.
Potty Breaks MUST use the bathroom before you come to my class. You will not be allowed to leave unless you are dying! Don’t even ask!
Language The English language is nobody's special property. It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of the language itself. ~Derek Walcott The Language you use is reflective of your intelligence—what does that mean? There will be NO bad language in my room, or in my presence.
Levels of Speaking Formal: Giving a speech, writing a professional letter, etc. Conversation: Used at school or in the presence of others. Casual: Used with your friends, texting, IM, or in passing. Low: Should not be used in pubic, sounds like you licked the toilet. Formal Speaking Lick the Toilet Language Casual Conversation
CONSEQUENCES PUSH-UPS 10 for saying the words on the previous list 25 for minor swear words 50 for the F-bomb After the 3 rd time of doing push-ups you will get a long form.
Late Work When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself. ~Louis Nizer There is no reason work should not be turned in on-time. Work is done in class with ample amount of time to complete it. Late work will result in a 40% for that assignment, and you will be required to turn it in!
Make-Up Work If you know you are going to be gone in advance please get your work in advance. Weekly folders Calendar Friends Teacher
TARDIES Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it. Be Great and spend your time wisely. If you are late to my class that means you are not using your time wisely and there will be consequences.
Consequences 1 st Warning 2 nd : 0 for that day 3 rd : 0 for the day Hall Lesson Out in hall for remainder of class 4 th : Long Form This includes homeroom!!!!
MY Room MY stuff Everything in this room is MINE! Including dry erase markers, white boards, etc. DO NOT go around and take my stuff, I do not do that to you! If you need something, ask. Supplies may be bought if needed.
Table & Chairs DO NOT lean back in my chairs. 1 st : Warning 2 nd : Stand for remainder of class 3 rd : Stand for week 4 th : Write up DO NOT write, spit, lick, or stick anything to my tables. If anything is found under your table everyone at that table will sit on the floor.