Maths revision
What is the length of this pencil to the nearest centimetre?
Write in the missing numbers 38 +8
Write the missing numbers
Lydia Tom I am 5 years old. My birthday is in June. I am 2 years older than Lydia. My birthday is in February. January to MayJune to December Less than 5 years old 5 Years old More than 5 years old
Here are some signs ÷ x = Use two of the signs to make this sum correct 96 ____ 4 _____ 24
Al-Maha school put on a show. 58 people were there. Parents came to watch and teachers helped out. There were: 21 girls 18 boys 4 teachers The rest are parents. How many are parents?
Here are three digits Make the number closest to
How many sides does an octagon have?
If a shape has ¾ shaded – how many squares will be shaded? It has to have 4 squares all together!!!
155 – 73 = How could you work it out?
I put my tea in the oven at 3:40. I take it out 40 minutes later. What time will it be on the clock when I take it out? :
I buy 4 cakes for 75p each. How much do they cost altogether?
The numbers increase by 101 each time ____ ____
How tall is Amy’s chair? cm This graph shows the height of 3 childrens chairs in the classroom. Height of chairs in cm JohnAmyBen
I have picked some strawberries. I eat 4 of them. Then I eat half of what is left. I now have 10 strawberries. How many strawberries did I start with?