AASA: Case Studies Moderated by: Mary Marshall David Kaplan October 4, 2015
AASA: Case Studies Creating Accountability: Taking Risk as a New Leader Dr. Harvey Weinstein hired as the new Dean of Maine Medical School to turn around a sinking ship. Board demanded that Dr. Weinstein’s compensation be linked to improvement in Financial Operating Margin of 2.5%, recruitment of faculty per year, and patient satisfaction of 90% or higher. Failure to achieve these metrics would result in reduced compensation for Dr. Weinstein.
AASA: Case Studies Program Development: To Support or Not to Support, That is the Question Exciting opportunity to expand successful clinical program in head and neck cancer with significant financial benefit to the hospital. However, significant resources required in first 2 years. Hospital questioning aggressive projections in the proforma submitted by the Department. Hospital prefers to shelf proposal until 3 rd quarter results are in. One of the involved surgeons is angry at the lack of interest and is in negotiation stage with competing hospital.
AASA: Case Studies Organizational Design: To Integrate or Not? That is the Question The University of St. Louis has recently announced a merger with the Sister’s of Mercy Health System. Dr. Labow, Chair of Surgery has been charged to reduce costs and duplication of services, and create more efficient systems. Dr. Labow and his administrator David Smith put together a new table of organization that might reduce the power of the local chairs.
AASA: Case Studies Navigating difficult conversations with faculty Faculty member, John Smith, PhD, is losing his NIH funding after 40 years. His annual lab costs $700,000 direct, of which he covers $500,000. He is running out of funding and requests bridge funding while he waits for scores on 2 R01’s. He has received $4M over the course of his career in startup, bridge, and departmental funding. He is a wonderful human being.
AASA: Case Studies Span of Control: Moving on Up Jane Marling, Sr. Dept Administrator was approached unexpectedly by Dean to take on an Assistant Dean Role. Chair of Surgery was not made aware by Dean of the Request and was surprised when Jane told him. Jane would get a huge promotion and pay raise if she takes the role.
AASA: Case Studies Dealing with a Constant State of Change Your governor has reduced funding to the University resulting in layoffs, reduction in healthcare benefits, and no pay increases for the biennium. The Dean has created Task Forces to look at centralizing administrative support. No employees sit on the task forces (Lean Business Processes have been thrown out the window) Employees have voiced the following concerns: –Fear of losing job –Working harder for less money –Dean doesn’t value what they do