What to Bring & Packing Tips
Pack in Ziplock Bags 1 & 2.5 Gal - Walmart Bring Ziplock Bags!! Keep Things Dry
Passport keep them handy anytime we travel Keep them DRY ZIPLOCKS
Luggage 2 Dufflebags 25 pounds max/bag day pack in 3 capacity waist strap hydration capable
Clothing long sleeves & short sleeves pants / zip-offs Shorts Quick drying materials best sturdy hiking boots wool socks & liners wide-brimmed hat Raingear swimsuit dry shoes for around camp 2 nd pr boots, sandals with toes
Clothing How much to pack??? 2pr socks/day fresh undies 1 set clothes / 2 days 1 set for field/hikes 1 set for camp (use camp clothes for field after 2 days in camp) Don’t over pack!!!!!! parachute cord for clothes lines hang up clothes o/n to dry
Flashlight / headlamp – plenty of batteries notebook & pencil sunscreen DEET insect repellent 40% or > water bottles / camelback light towel toiletries Camera – plenty of batteries Other stuff to bring
Spending money Souvenirs Tip money Camp staff – $1-2/day/person Drivers - $2/day/person Tour Guide - $20-25/person $40-50 total Give what you are comfortable giving Monetary Concerns
Day Phone for ANCON: For emergency use only. Information will be relayed to our location. Contact your cell phone service provider to arrange for an international calling plan – if you want one. Some locations – airport – have wi-fi which allows & facebook contact Cell Phone/Wi-FI
Advice - bugs Minimize mosquito exposure Limit outdoor activities to avoid mosquitoes Wear DEET insect repellent (reapply ~4 hrs) Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants Use a mosquito net Wear shoes; keep feet clean and dry
Advice - Sun Wear a wide-brimmed hat Wear sunscreen Wear sunglasses in direct sun Wear sleeves
Advice - Illness Wash hands with soap and water Avoid ice cubes Drink only certified water Consume fruits that are provided or can be peeled Don’t accept stuff from strangers Keep water bottles/camelbacks clean
Advice - Animals Look where you step!! Don’t handle animals Travel with a buddy or the group Don’t straggle – keep up with the group
Advice Monitor your condition Keep hydrated Prep before you go Hike Break-in boots, packs Get your gear ready Pack gear to see what will really fit