IEEE Region 10 Meeting 19 August 2011 Yerba Buena Salon 8 Marriot Marquis Hotel San Francisco, CA, USA
Agenda 2/4/20162 Call to Order by R10 Director Lawrence Wong Roll Call Darrel Chong Approval of Agenda Lawrence Wong Confirmation of R10 AGM 2011 Minutes, Yogyakarta Darrel Chong Address by Region 10 Director Lawrence Wong Address by IEEE Executive DirectorJames Prendergast Address by IEEE President-Elect CandidatePeter Staecker Address by IEEE President-Elect Candidate Roger Pollard Q&A for President-Elect CandidatesZia Ahmed Presentation on Regulatory Compliance Cheryl Sinauskas IEEE-HKN Fern Katronesky Call for Sponsorship: Social Implications of Technology Conference Greg Adamson Call for participation: IEEEXtreme Programming Contest 2011 Gowtham Prasad Coffee/Tea Break Update on Pakistan Humanitarian FundAmarnath Raja Update on OU formationKukjin Chun Announcement of R10 Awards RecipientsKukjin Chun Photo Taking R10 Student Member Retention Mini Thomas, Darrel Chong Proposal and Motion to formalize TENCON Spring ConferenceJames Wang, Lawrence Wong R10 Meeting 2012 VenueLawrence Wong, Darrel Chong Any other business Darrel Chong Adjournment of R10 Meeting Lawrence Wong
Director’s Address Welcome to VIPs –Jim Prendergast, Executive Director, IEEE –Roger Pollard, IEEE President-Elect Candidate –Peter Staecker, IEEE President-Elect Candidate Membership Update Conference Trends Challenges 2/4/20163
MD Statistics – July /4/20165
MD Statistics – Overall Retention 2/4/20166
MD Statistics – 1 st Year Retention 2/4/20167
Total Number of IEEE Conferences IEEE Society/Council/Geographic Unit Sponsored/Co- Sponsored/Other % +15% +7.7% +3.3%-.5% % +3.8% +39% +10.5% 38% Growth from % Growth from
Conference Locations IEEE (ALL)Sponsored/Co-Sponsored Conferences 10 Regions 7–10 Represent 78% (and Growing…)
Conference Locations IEEE Financially Sponsored/Co-Sponsored Conferences 11 Regions 7–10 Represent 61% (and Growing…)
Conference Locations IEEE Technically Sponsored/Co-Sponsored Conferences Most Significant Growth in Region 10 – 89%+
2010 IEEE Conference Locations… Financially Sponsored 61% held in Regions 7-10 Technically Co-Sponsored 93% held in Regions 7-10
R10 Conference Trends Country Australia China India Japan Korea (South) Malaysia Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand /4/ Rapid growth, particularly in China Vibrant and enterprising OUs Ensuring quality is essential to maintain IEEE branding
CHALLENGES 2/4/201615
“Suspect” Conferences 142 Suspect Conferences in 2010 –Co-Sponsoring OU for these Conferences –– 80% Chapter or Sub-Section –– 8% Section –– 12% Society/Council 135 Suspect Conferences in 2011 Q1 –Co-Sponsoring OU for these Conferences –– 87% Chapter or Sub-Section –– 8% Section –– 5% Society/Council 2/4/ As IEEE volunteer leaders we need to be vigilant to protect IEEE
Proposal – 2 nd Annual R10 Conference Background –1 st R10 Conference (TENCON) held in Hong Kong in 1980 –TENCON is now well established –Growing demand for a 2 nd R10 conference More than 6 sections bid to host TENCON in recent years Scope –Current TENCON to be re-designated as TENCON-Fall conference to be held in the fall annually. –New 2 nd annual R10 conference to be designated as TENCON-Spring conference to be held in spring annually –Thematic rather than broad-based to differentiate from TENCON-Fall conference –Any R10 OU (section/subsection/chapter/AG) eligible to bid and host 2/4/201618
Proposal – 2 nd Annual R10 Conference Objectives: –To provide a prestigious international forum for specialist presentations and interactions –To provide a platform for addressing the needs and problems of the current global scenario such that feasible solutions can be identified –To contribute to the development, progress and welfare of countries in the Asia-Pacific region –To encourage the study and discussion of technology and technological applications in a broad social, political and human context –To enable OUs within R10 to develop as mature IEEE entities by accepting the responsibilities of major conference organization. –To make R10 to be a leader in addressing current needs and meeting global scenario 2/4/201619
Proposal – 2 nd Annual R10 Conference Terms: –Similar guidelines to TENCON-Fall Conference –Thematic rather than broad-based –To be held in spring period –Abide by IEEE quality requirements and processes –R10 as co-sponsor with at least 30% surplus/loss stake –R10 provides seed of USD5000 if needed –Any IEEE R10 OU can bid to host Motion: –R10 Committee approves establishment of 2 nd Annual R10 Conference Proposer: R10 VC – Technical Activities Seconder: R10 Technical & Conference Coordinator 2/4/201620
2012 IEEE Region 10 Meeting Date: 3-4 March 2012 Venue: Swissotel Kolkata 2/4/201621