M EETING OBJECTIVES AND AGENDA By the end of the cluster meeting, teachers will have an overview of the classroom assessment cycle. By the end of the cluster meeting, teachers will begin analyzing student work. Current practices Classroom assessment cycle Determining learning targets Analyzing student work ObjectivesAgenda
C LUSTER M EETING N ORMS Good Time Management – Start and Leave on Time Come Prepared – Work Samples, Lesson Plans, Etc. Work Cooperatively Be Open Minded Stay On Task Act Professionally Be Positive
B LAKEMORE S CHOOL P LAN Based on math TAKS results students in grade 6 will increase from 92% proficient to 95%, 25% commended to 50%, and all students will achieve a year’s growth based on value added calculation scores. Based on math TAKS results students in grade 7 will increase from 55% proficient to 75%, 10% commended to 25%, and all students will achieve a year’s growth based on valued added calculation scores. Based on math TAKS results students in grade 8 will increase from 67% proficient to 80%, 6% commended to 20%, and all students will achieve a year’s growth based on campus benchmark scores.
C LUSTER C YCLE O NE G OAL By the end of the cycle, teachers will have an understanding of the four rubrics used in TAP evaluations, the process for analyzing student work, and strategies taught during cluster in the school-year.
C ONSTRUCTIVIST L EARNING G ROUPS Purpose: To analyze different aspects of a problem or issue Time allotted : from Minutes The Activity : 1. Members of the group number themselves from 1-4. I will choose a number for each group to present your thoughts. (Everyone must be prepared to present) 2. The group is given a question or problem and a time-frame e.g. five or seven minutes. 3. Call on a number to report—ask each other group to build on what has already been said. Chart on newsprint. Grouping!
C ONSTRUCTIVIST L EARNING G ROUPS Questions for Consideration How do you currently analyze student work? How do you respond to student work?
C LASSROOM A SSESSMENT C YCLE : W HAT DO YOU KNOW ? Standards & Objectives for Learning are Clear A Variety of Student Work is Collected Analyze, Infer, and Interpret Work Samples Plan and Modify Instruction
E XAMPLES FROM THE TEKS connect his/her own experiences, information, insights, and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening calculate speed, momentum, acceleration, work, and power in systems such as in the human body, moving toys, and machines glean information from the environment, using the five senses relate art to everyday life connect his/her own experiences, information, insights, and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening calculate speed, momentum, acceleration, work, and power in systems such as in the human body, moving toys, and machines glean information from the environment, using the five senses relate art to everyday life
R EFLECTION : L EARNING T ARGETS Why is understanding the learning target necessary for analyzing student work? How and when do you provide the target to your students?
A NALYZING S TUDENT W ORK Student Work Samples Should Raise or Answer Questions Step One Divide your work samples based on: Did the students master the intended objective? Step Two: Combine piles of student work samples that did not master the objective, and as a group identify trends in those work samples. Step Three: As a group discuss modifications and feedback that could help these students master the objective Student Work!
D EVELOPMENT T IME Please Answer the following questions and then work toward completing your lesson plans: What term(s) will you use this week to implement the strategy? What questions will you ask to get students to be able to fill in the “compare to” and “contrast with” sections of the map? What questions will you ask to help students’ activate background knowledge and identify relationships? What modifications will you include in order for students to master the intended objective?
A PPLICATION AND E VALUATION Please bring work samples to cluster next time showing your use of the Analysis Map strategy. With the work samples please have: Identified Trends Necessary Modifications