Steering Committee Meeting 7/15/15 0
Draft Agenda 1.Updates 2.NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program 3.Governance 1
Draft Agenda 1.Updates o Introductions o Approval of minutes o Financial Report o County Unmet Needs Meetings o CDOT o Volunteer Project Needs Inventory & Coordination o Reach rep round robin updates 2
Draft Agenda 2.NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program o Review proposed list of priority reaches o Seek consensus to submit list to NRCS & Colorado Water Conservation Board 3
NRCS EWP Priority Reach Identification Process 4 June 17 th Steering Committee Discussion Include priority reaches from CDBG Planning Grant (these are the top 13 ranking reaches overall in the Master Plan) Include additional reaches that ranked in the Top 5 for Flood Risk, Geomorphic Risk, Riparian Improvement Consider any suggested additions or revisions from Steering Committee members
NRCS & CWCB Update 5 State (CWCB) will serve as overall sponsor and contribute 12.5% of project costs; NRCS will contribute 75%; Coalition/ Local Sponsor will contribute remaining 12.5% Priority Reaches must be submitted in tiered groupings to start assessments on the following dates: 1) July 31 st ; 2) Aug 30 th ; 3) Sept 15 th Designated reach rep and Coalition participation in assessment process is critical
Criteria Used for Proposed Tiered Groupings 6 Geographic grouping – help streamline logistics and provide assessment of contiguous priority reaches wherever possible Start at top of watershed and have team work their way down Designated reach rep to provide local knowledge
7 AreaReaches Upper Canyon 1-14 Lower Canyon Loveland Weld Milliken North Fork 47-59
Proposed Groupings 8 GROUPCRITERIA July 31st North Fork & Upper Canyon Priority Reaches Designated Reach Rep Aug 30th Lower Canyon & Loveland Priority Reaches Designated Reach Rep Additional reaches proposed by Steering Committee members Sept 15th Eastern (Milliken & Weld) Priority Reaches Reaches without a designated reach rep Additional reaches proposed by Steering Committee members
Next Steps 9 1.Seek consensus to submit list to NRCS/ CWCB (today) 2.Obtain landowner access permission forms (Through July 31 st ) 3.Reach reps provide additional information on particular areas for DSR assessment (Through July 31 st ) 4.Watershed Coordinator schedule DSRs (late July) 5.Conduct DSRs (Aug 1 – Sept 15)
Draft Agenda 3.Governance o Discuss BTRRC incorporation o Discuss New Chairperson selection o Discuss Coordinating Committee proposal 10
Function BTRRC Coalition BTRRC, Inc. 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit Open a bank account ✖ ✔✔ Accept donations ✖ ✔✔ Enter into contracts ✖ ✔✔ Tax deductible donations ✖✖ ✔ By-laws and Officers/Board Optional ✔✔ BTRRC Incorporation Considerations 11
BTRRC New Chairperson Selection Chairperson Key Responsibilities and Tasks Attend all Steering Committee meetings Interface with community and represent Coalition (shared with Coordinators) Represent Coalition on the Thompson Watershed Alliance Provide strategic input in between meetings Conduct employee reviews Chairperson Selection Process Elected by Steering Committee by majority vote 12
“Coordinating Committee” or Proposal 13
Current Steering Committee Composition Reach Reps Local Government o Loveland, Larimer County, CO State Forest Sercice, CDOT, CPW, NRCS, Big Thompson Conservation District Non-Profits o Trout Unlimited, Serve 6.8, WRV, Long Term Recov Group
Why do we need a Coordinating Committee? Support more efficient Steering Committee meetings Provide Chairperson & Staff input between monthly meetings
Review draft documents Execute finance functions Help prepare proposals for Steering Committee meetings Communicate with larger Steering Committee 16 What will the Coordinating Committee do?
17 Who would be on the Coordinating Committee? Proposed Structure Chair Person North Fork Rep & Alternate Upper Canyon Rep & Alternate Lower Canyon Rep & Alternate Loveland Rep & Alternate Eastern Rep & Alternate At Large Member
Review draft documents Finance functions Help prepare proposals for meetings Communicate with larger Steering Committee 18 What will the Coordinating Committee do?
Create proposals and rationale for presentation to full Steering Committee for decision For minor matters, or those with an expedited timeline, Coordinating Committee could make a decision by consensus o Communication and transparency on these decision to full group would be expected Additional communication (cc others on committee s, etc) could be maintained as desired 19 Communication with full Steering Committee
Contractor issue resolution based on weekly check- in with Coordinator & Contractor Work with Coordinators to create list of potential volunteer projects 20 Examples of Future Coordinating Committee tasks