Watch out for this… The next big thing: * Reading Check #2 on Nov. 10 th for Data Literacy * edTPA Tasks 1 and 2 – Bring them on Nov. 10 th Nov. 19 th – Drafts of edTPA and Unit Plan due to LiveText (and bring to class) Praxis scores upload… by Nov. 24 th …or at least a note on that assignment scores are on the way edTPA and Unit plan are due Dec. 1 st - 3 weeks of planning w/edTPA in it- if you haven’t started, start asap!
Feedback & Scientific Research Posters Specific positives first (“glows”) Specific areas for improvement next (“grows”) Summary – start or finish - (Overall…) – Use lab sheet – Use work qualities Did your scientific posters show your content knowledge? Did your scientific posters show your ability to translate difficult material to a non-technical audience (your students)? What have you learned about giving feedback?
Assessment Commentary Part A = Student Work Samples (check) Part B = Evidence of Feedback (check) Part C = Assessment Commentary (today!) Part D = Evaluation Criteria (next class) See connected handout for assessment template (and others) – Learning objectives – Graphic – Individual student AND whole class evidence for understanding, scientific practices, and evidence-based argument – Feedback, why and how did you use it – Evidence of language use (function, vocabulary, symbols/syntax, and discourse) – Assessment to inform instruction; Next steps for class and for individual students – Research and theory! (Use reading checks as you write and reference the theorists and theories that work!)
Reading Check – Science Instruction In groups of 2 (or 3) – discuss and then answer the questions below (50 pts) Submit your answers [they might be different than your partner(s)]to LiveText before Thursday, Oct. 22 nd at 1 pm (next class). Your answers should not be longer than a paper with 3 typed pages …1.5 line-spaced, 1 in margin, 12 pt font, Times New Roman …you can use visuals (charts, etc…) for a 4 th page (optional) I want to see your reflection on the material that you read, so please do not “copy/paste” the terminology from the book, however, reference where in the book you read what you are reflecting on and about as you write your answers. Question 1 = What do you need to know to get into science teaching? Question 2 = What are the foundations for teaching science? Question 3 = What are the strategies for teaching science? Question 4 = Why are knowing the answers to 1, 2, and 3 important? Question 5 = How will you use information from the book to inform your teaching?