Detective N. R. N atural R esources are my business!
I’ve searched the world near and far – Every lake, stream, and reservoir.
It seems to me one thing is clear; Natural resources always appear.
Look in Plano and you will see; Natural resources like a tree.
A home for birds and lots of shade; A piece of paper we use today.
Across our state, you will find; Natural resources of many kinds.
Soil for planting in the ground. So many uses can be found.
You’ll see them across the United States; Natural resources are so great!
Rocks for building and making roads; How water is used just overflows.
Look around you now and you can see; Natural resources are the key!
Think of some natural resources found in Plano and what are they used for?
Can you identify some natural resources found in Texas? What are they used for?
What are some natural resources found in the U.S.A.? What are they used for?