Go Grow Something! Clare Siegel, Land Art Design
What are Types of Plants? Trees are plants Flowers are plants Bushes are plants Vegetables are plants
What Are the Parts of a Plant? Stems Tubes that carry water and food from the soil to the rest of the plant Leaves and flowers grow from stems Some plants have hard stems; others have soft stems Roots Collect water and minerals for the plant Roots hold the plant in the ground Some plants store food in the roots
What Are the Parts of a Plant? Leaves Turn sunshine and water into sugar (food) for plants This is called “photosynthesis” Flowers Flowers make seeds that are the start of new plants Flowers are pretty to attract bees and butterflies who scatter the seeds
What Are Seeds? A seed is the start of a new plant Seeds come in many sizes, shapes, and colors The outside of a seed is called a “coat” and it protects the seed just like your coat protects you The seed contains the first food the new plant will eat before it can get its own food
How Do Plants Grow? Stage 1 When the seed has water, warmth and soil, it starts to grow inside the seed coat as a “germ” Stage 2 A stem grows up from the germ Roots grow down from the germ Stage 3 Leaves develop on the stem Roots grow bigger Stage 4 Flower buds grow Stage 5 A full-grown plant has leaves, stems, flowers and roots
What Do You Need to Grow Plants? Seeds Soil Water Plant food Sunshine
Let’s Grow Something!
Today’s Plant Project Get a plant POT. Pick the TYPE of seed you want to plant. Line up and let a grown-up put SOIL in your pot. Got back to your desk and put your SEED in the soil. Add just enough WATER to your pot. Take your pot home and put it near a SUNNY window.