Paragraph Peer Revision
Pass to the person behind you. Read the topic sentence and check for a theme statement in a “leads to” format. Draw a box around it. If the theme is not in a “leads to,” please add a note in the margin to add a “leads to” theme. Also, circle any “vague” language in the theme statement and write a note for the person to revise.
Random pass to anyone. Label the parts of the paragraph in the margins: Topic sentence Example #1 Commentary (at least two sentences) Example #2 Commentary (at least two sentences) Concluding sentence If the paragraph deviates from this structure at all, please write a note at the top to add in or change what’s wrong.
Pass across the room. Make sure the quotes evidence the theme. If not, make a note for them to select a different quote. Also, make sure they have explained how each quote shows the theme. Also, check that the concluding sentence rephrases the topic sentence. Make notes as needed.
Pass to your leftish. Label the TCS of each quotation: transition, context, and speaker. If any of these parts are missing, please add them in. If quotes are NOT blended, please tell them to blend the quotes.
Pass behind you. Check to see if quotes are blended properly– i.e. make sure that they do not form any sentence fragments or run-ons If you see any errors in quote blending, make edits/ revisions as necessary.
Pass to someone near you. Read and check for present tense verbs outside the quotes. Make corrections as needed. Also, draw a HUGE “X” over any first or second person that you see.
Give back to the owner. Make corrections tonight and turn in revised/ edited copy tomorrow for 2XH!! TWS: Paragraph format, theme, blended quotes, present tense verbs, no first or second person.