Introduction Potato production through TPS is recommended as almost no virus causing disease in potato transmitted by botanical seed. TPS sowing approaches are, Direct seeding Seedlings raised in seedbeds and then transplanted Seedlings grown in nurseries at high densities to produce seed tubers (seedling tubers) The last two methods appear to have to have the best prospects.
Fig. Sowing of TPS on nursery beds Land Preparation Potato is a Rabi tuber crop which requires well pulverized seedbed and sufficient water for satisfactory tuber formation. Field should be deep ploughed with a soil turning plough. It should be harrowed 2-3 times followed by 2 to 3 planking to level and smoothen the surface. Size of seed bed varies depending on whether seedlings or seed tubers are to be produced. Fig. Sowing of TPS on nursery beds
Fig. Certified TPS seeds Selection of Seeds Select healthy and pure seeds of high yielding varieties. They should be free from seed borne diseases. It is advisable to use certified seeds for good quality yields Seed Treatment: Seeds should be treated with 200 ppm GA solution before sowing. Fig. Certified TPS seeds Fig. Seed treatment
Fig. Sowing of TPS with appropriate spacing on seed beds Planting Details: Seed Rate: 150 g seeds of high yielding variety/ ha Spacing: Row to row - 5 cm X 5 cm Seed cost: About 100 g of TPS cost Rs.3000/- Planting Time: Sowing is done when temperature ranges between 30-32 and 18-20 degree Celsius. Fig. Sowing of TPS with appropriate spacing on seed beds
Planting Schedule for TPS: Sr. Regions Planting Time 1 North Western hills 2nd wk of December– 2nd wk of January 2 North Eastern hills 4th wk of August- 1st wk of September 3 Western Indo Gangatic plains 1-2nd wk of October 4 Central Indo Gangatic plains 2nd- 4th wk of October 5 Eastern Indo Gangatic plains 4th wk of October to 1st wk of November 6 Plateau region 4th wk of June – 1st wk of July (in Kharif)
TPS in Protrays Fig. Use of Seedling trays for TPS nursery Fig. Raising TPS seedlings in trays an alternate method for growing TPS on Seed beds Fig. Seedling from TPS ready for transplanting