1 Issues affecting the evaluation of the beneficial effect of new technologies and ways to solve these issues. Prof. Dr. Viliam Sarian, NAN RA Acad., Vice-Chairman FG Innovation Director of Science & Research Center FSUE NIIR Bridging the Gap: From Innovation to Standards (FG Innovation) 10 th September 2012 Moscow
This report develops author’s ideas, presented in 23 rd European Regional Conference (Vienna, Austria, July 1-4, 2012)
Outline 1.Study on estimation of beneficial effect of new technologies 2.Problem identification 3.Authors’ solution presented in FG Innovation 4.Experimental site: information control network 3
Recent ITU study on problems of ICT development ITU-D SG 2 (Information and communication infrastructure and technology development, emergency telecommunications and climate- change adaptation) Focus Group “Bridging the Gap: From Innovation to Standards” Various workshops, e.g. “Future Networks standardization” (June, 2012)
ICT development problems identified by ITU Standardization gap: low involvement of developing countries in the work on creation new standards and recommendations Manufacturers do not take into account need of developing countries Lag between investments and return on them is too long for developing countries (more than technology obsolescence period)
General solution: socioeconomical standards Socioeconomical standards should combine the traditional engineering goals (effectiveness, modularity, security) with technology adoption and long-term success goals. Parties involved in socieconomical standardization process: – Communication administrations – Operators – Independent experts – Members of the public
The main obstacle to adopt socioeconomical standards Bitrate, time delay, … Mean service provision time, mean time between failures,… Child mortality rate, literacy rate, gross domestic product… No connection
ITU-D approach (Recommendation Y.3001) Tussle analysis: Step 1: Identify all primary stakeholder roles and their characteristics for the functionality under investigation Step 2: Identify tussles among identified stakeholders Step 3: For each tussle assess the impact to each stakeholder and potential spillovers
Disadvantages of tussle analysis Low objectivity (analysis is fully based on expert opinions) It is unclear which stakeholders should be involved Impossibility to make expectations before the actual technology deployement
Typical process (TP) concept A typical process (TP) is a process that is regularly and repeatedly reproduced by an entity and is associated with maintaining the stable existence and evolution of said entity. Examples of entities producing TPs: An engineering system A single person A social group The whole of society Examples of TPs: Food supply Relation with government authorities Emergency management
Typical process metrics Time metric: how much of time on TP production does the entity saves through new ICT deployment Coverage metric: the number of users of an IC service that involves some new technology or the number of people that have the potential to produce the TPs with which these services are connected
Usage of TP concept for socieconomical standardization process Network element metrics QoS metrics High-level metrics Typical process metrics Service models OSS TP theory (interdisciplinary: technical sciences, economy, sociology, psychology, etc.
Experimental site: information control networks (ICNs)
Advantages of ICN for research tasks Centralized architecture allows to gather all the necessary data in one place Wide variety of services gives ability to study the full range of phenomena in ICT Large number of users (500’000 in the experimental site) Operation is expected to start in autumn 2012
15 Thank you for your attention! Dr. Prof. Viliam Sarian, Director of Science & Research Center FSUE NIIR Vice-Chairman FG Innovation Bridging the Gap: From Innovation to Standards (FG Innovation) 10 th September 2012 Moscow