1/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia Plutonium and MA Management in VVER-440 and FR P. Dařílek, R. Zajac – VUJE Trnava J. Breza, V Nečas – SUT Bratislava
2/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia Content VVER-440 Description of analysed cycles VVER-440 open fuel cycle VVER-440 closed fuel cycle with IMF FR closed fuel cycle Cycle comparison Conclusion
3/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia VVER-440 Standard uranium FA of VVER-440 PWR reactor power 440 MW el triangular net „black“ control rods hexagonal fuel assembly
4/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia VVER-440 open fuel cycle description reference case feeding enrichment 4.2 % U235 no reprocessing
5/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia VVER-440 closed fuel cycle with IMF description
6/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia VVER-440 closed fuel cycle with IMF description Transmutation pin with inert matrix fuel Fresh UOX pin with 4.2% U235 enrichment VVER-440 combined fuel assembly (CFA) microheterogeneous assembly 30 transmutation pins (TP) with: 6.17 wt.% Pu oxides 0.77 wt.% MA oxides from CFA UP reprocessing
7/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia VVER-440 closed fuel cycle with IMF description wt. content (%) NpO PuO AmO CmO CfO ZrO isotopecontent (%)isotopecontent (%) Pu Cm Pu Cm Pu Cm Pu Cm Pu Cm Cm Cm isotopecontent (%)isotopecontent (%) Am Cf Am Cf Am-242m0.23Cf Cf Detailed composition of fresh TP reprocessing of all UPs all Pu and MA into TPs no TP reprocessing equilibrium cycle without UOX core
8/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia FR closed fuel cycle description
9/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia FR closed fuel cycle description Fast reactor fuel assembly (FFA) Super Phenix FA content (% of HM) U Np0.097 Pu Am1.623 Cm0.977 Cf0.003 U isotopecontent (%) isotopecontent (%) Pu Cm Pu Cm Pu Cm Pu Cm Pu Cm Cm Cm isotopecontent (%) isotopecontent (%) Am Cf Am Cf Am- 242m 2.89Cf Cf
10/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia Cycle comparison Fuel cycle Units VVER-440 open VVER- 440 IMF FR Pu transmutation ratekg/TWh e MA transmutation ratekg/TWh e Pu and MA rate in entering fuel% Pu and MA rate in spent fuel% Quantity of separated Pukg/TWh e Content of (Pu 239 +Pu 241 ) in separated Pu% Inventory of Pu in cycle incl.corekg/TWh e Content of (Pu 239 +Pu 241 ) in burned fuel% Amount of finally disposed of Pukg/TWh e Pu and MA balance
11/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia Conclusion Comparison of closed cycles comparable Pu transmutation rate fissionable Pu content in spent IMF very low Pu amount in FR cycle much higher MA transmuted 4-times faster in FR finally disposed Pu amount 70-times smaller
12/12 VUJE, Inc., Okružná 5, SK Trnava, Slovakia Acknowledgements Performance of mentioned analyses could not be possible without participation of VUJE and SUT at the RED-IMPACT project. We want to acknowledge especially valuable advise and notes of project and WP leaders W. Gudowski, W.v. Lensa, D. Greneche, L. Boucher and C. Zimmermann. This project has been partially supported by the Slovak grant agency for science through the grant No. 1/3160/06.