Taxonomy Notes ~ The science of classification
How many different species are there on Earth?
More than 2 million! Tremendous diversity Scientists estimate between 2 and 100 million species yet to be discovered
Each one has a scientific name: Binomial nomenclature Description for two-part scientific name given to each species (in latin) – Genus Noun, Capitalized, Underlined or Italicized – Species Descriptive, Lower Case, Underlined or Italicized Ex. Homo sapiens, Felis domesticus,
Why is this system important? One species can have many different common names: Mountain lion, puma, cougar, or panther? But will have ONE scientific name: Puma concolor
TPS #1- Correct or Incorrect? Why? Triticum Aestivum - wheat Felis domesticus - cat canis lupus - wolf Canis familiaris - dog Populus deltoides - cottonwood
TPS #2- What can we tell from the names of the following two species? Canis lupus and Canis aureus a.They are the same species and the same genus b.They are the same species but not the same genus c.They are in the same genus but not the same species d.They are neither the same species nor the same genus.
What is classification? Classification – a systematic arrangement of organisms into groups or categories according to specific scientific criteria Taxonomy – science of classifying organisms
Why do we classify biological organisms? Set up an organized system so scientists can communicate Study similarities and propose relationships between organisms Show evolutionary linkages between organisms Example: Phylogenetic Trees
History of Biological Taxonomy Carl Linnaeus – 1750s – First grouped plants and animals together based on physical characteristics
How did Linnaeus group these organisms? Body characteristics: those that had similar features were grouped together.
Linnaeus’s Hierarchy of Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Philip Came Over For Good Soup
Organism Mountain Lion House Cat KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassMammalia OrderCarnivora FamilyFelidae GenusFelis SpeciesF. concolorF. domesticus TPS #3- How closely related are mountain lions and house cats? Why? Using classification to determine relationships between organisms
Practice Quiz #1 1.Which organisms are most closely related? 2.Which organisms are least closely related? 3.At which level do mountain lions and house cats differ?
Organism Mountain Lion House CatSalmonButterfly KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata Arthropoda ClassMammalia ActinopterygiiInsecta OrderCarnivora SalmoniformesLepidoptera FamilyFelidae SalmonidaeNymphalidae GenusFelis OncorhynchusDanaus SpeciesF. concolorF. domesticusO. tshawytschaD. plexippus
Summary Linnaeus is the father of classification – Developed the current-day system of classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species – Created the system for naming species Genus species, i.e. Canus lupus or Homo sapien