A more realistic photon simulation in Geanfi Capri , Kloe Phys Workshop III Motivations: A better description of shower simulation for photons and a “standard” recipe to recover the data-MC discrepancy needed to : - attain a 0.1% error on K s 0 0 - measure rare K s decays in neutral channels - parametrize response /resolution for Kinematic Fitting Four main tasks : - selection of Machine background events - insertion of Machine background events in MC data - survey of existing data-MC discrepancy - correction-adjustment of MC simulation By: C.Bloise, M.Martini, S.Miscetti, M.Moulson, T.Spadaro... KPW3
Differences with last year bkg simulation (ACCELE + MBCKADD) Use a unique selection sample ( e e from FILFO) for evaluation of DCH, EMC, QCAL machine background ( bias found in mbckadd where the usage of L3BHA events was providing events already cleaned of out of time clusters ! ) Study side-bands (early/late) of T-R/c to measure rate of accidental events but extend the selection to the whole time spectrum & inserting hits for the 3 detectors at the same time. All correlations preserved. Closely follow the rate dependence along the run by selecting events of “same machine activity” in groups of few pb -1. The background is inserted in MC on a run by run basis. Finally... BGG stream created! Insertion in MC weighted with the effective cross section of BGG selector. SELBKG & INSERT: basic ideas KPW3
Two clusters in the barrel with: TW ( 5 T, 1 ns) Ecl > 480 MeV Etot > 960 MeV * cuts z cuts Vclu cut Etot (1+2) (MeV) T (ns) Still a lot of mess in the “IN TIME” window SELBKG : selection of golden events KPW3
T (ns) R(cm) Once “clean” clusters have been selected we look for all “residual” ones looking at all combinations of DRij vs DTij between the “clean” and “residual” clusters. ( ) Flying clusters (shower fragments) splitted clusters 3 categories SELBKG : looking for the machine bkg events KPW3 Fiducial region
After golden clusters selection & restricting the search to the fiducial region: pieces of collision remain in the c0,c1,c2 bands for single hits. comparing the E vs cos plot for early band and cj bands a set of 2D weights is found. Nice agreement found in all distributions after applying these 2D weights SELBKG : survey distributions after weighting tecnique 1 hit 1 hit Early Timesc0 c1 c2 bands KPW3
SELBKG : survey distributions after weighting tecnique II KPW3 solid line (early-band) black dots (Cj bands) C0 C1 C2C0,C1,C2 C1 C2 C0,C1,C2
INSERT: two bugs found in TSKT & SmearT0 fixed last week: now times can be negative correction for att in EMC and space2time relation for DCH close to reality. overlap between accidental and MC hits tested at first order both for tracking &clustering INSERT: inserting BGG events inside MC events SELBKG technique applied to groups of few pb -1 to follow closely the machine activity along the run. BGG stream DONE! KPW3
Tests of insert bgg done with MC PRE-Production T-R/c behaviour with /without t0_finder: enhancement 0 for bgg satisfying t0_finder ! otherwise correctly bunched Tests to be done for post-production are: energy slope hits multeplicity effects on Filfo effect on rec.efficiency INSERT: inserting BGG events inside MC events KPW3
EMC geometry closer to the real one (Barrel moved down inY of 1 cm) Survey of existing data-MC discrepancy done! Most of the checks based on sample. Other tests in progress with & Bhabha’s samples. A lot of differences data-MC found. Scale and Resolutions: - Energy resolution - Timing resolution - Non linearity of response - behaviour along cracks ( barrel, X EndCaps) - behaviour along Y ( attenuation lengths EndCaps) Shower shape - X 0 simulation Light Yield - Ea/Eb - Efficiency ? Toward a more realistic MC description of EMC KPW3
Energy response and resolution vs E DataMC 5.7%/ (E/GeV) 5.0%/ (E/GeV) Energy scale is set better in data than in MC. Still contained below 1% Non linearity better in data than MC (clufixene effect) Stoc.term in resolution much better in MC KPW3
DATA MC Energy response vs Data show clear -cracks + calib error around = 0 KPW3
Energy response vs MOD( ,15) crack effect much more visible if shown vs mod( ,15) KPW3
Energy response & resolution: no crack vs crack zone As shown by profile there is a lowering in response in the crack. Integrating 1 degree around the crack the effect is of –2% in response (some energy dependence ?) slightly worse resolution! KPW3
Reconstruction efficiency: no crack vs crack zone No effect on efficiency data MC differ up to 70 MeV KPW3
Also on Endcaps cracks are visible along X. Moreover, there is a miscalibration of response along Y at a level of 3-4 % Energy response in EndCaps: dependence vs Y KPW3
Shower Shape: measurement of the decay length (data) N(x) = N 0 e (-x/ ) (1) with x the EMC depth. The distribution of the first plane fired fit with (1) in bins of as a function of E . E dependence of cross section as expected. “plateau” region E 250 MeV We derive = 1.5 cm X 0 = 7/9 1.2 cm KPW3 (degrees)
Shower Shape: measurement of the decay length (MC) Following same description X 0 1.5 cm (MC) MC composition: 23 cm with Pb/Sc slabs of 0.11 cm (400 m/700 m) X 0 = 1.53 cm Fs(Mip) = 24% Fs(e.m.) = 14.5% Same exercize on data: 200 planes of 500 m Pb KPW3 (degrees) 1/X 0 = F pb /X 0 pb +F sc /X 0 sc Great agreement! X 0 = 1.2 cm EMC in MC too light!
Measurement of light yield (MC) KPW3 Two techniques used to get N pe Gaussian fit to the distributions: R = (Ea/Eb) /S = (Ea-Eb)/(Ea+Eb) for Barrel cells Z=0. Assuming fluctuaction to be dominated by Poisson on Npe v = (2/Npe) /S method more stable. we get 1.2 pe/MeV in calorimeter center. In agreement with light yield used in MC 25pe*0.145*0.33 (2./(1.2xE/MeV)) 0.11 (2./(1.5xE/MeV)) 0.12
Measurement of light yield (data) KPW3 Using same technique on data sample we find Npe = /MeV i.e pe/GeV/side 50% of exp. light yield - 20% drop due to B-field - CRS using time resolution and (scint) - effect of light yield on energy resolution small. ( in operation we found less than extrapolating from CRS and TB ) (2./(0.60xE/MeV)) 0.12 (2./(0.65xE/MeV)) 0.12
KPW3 Measurement of time resolution (data) Usual numbers: - stoc. term 57 ps/sqrt(E/GeV) - const.term 140 ps Stable since 1999 on MC - const.term 0 - stoc.term 50 ps/sqrt(E/GeV) much more light in MC still not a factor 2 E (MeV) T-R/c (ns) T (ns)
Radiation length on data 1.26 cm ( vs 1.53 cm MC ) Light yield pe/MeV ( 1.2 pe/MeV ) Sampling fraction used in MC for showers 14.5 % Stoc.term of energy resolution lower in data than MC (5.7% vs 5.0 %) Not recoverable only with difference in Npe Stoc.term of time resolution 57ps (data) vs 50 ps (MC) KPW3 Summary review of information in our hands missing description of holes and behaviour along Y reconstruction efficiency data lower than MC
Geanfi simulation was adjusted in many steps varying : 1) X 0 lead thickness from 400 to 500 m 2) light yield lowered from 25 to 19 pe/MeV 3) adjusting sampling fraction in rec for each selected X 0 4) fastening the Time emission distribution and recalibrating MC T0s for each choice. 5) constant term of 140 ps add + Two new routines in MC path: EMCSIMULA: Adding holes CLUADJUST called in clufixene - fixing calib-hole and attenuation lengths - flagging clusters to be killed to simulate obs.efficiency (only ) KPW3 Adjustements done in MC and Reconstruction
KPW3 Comparison old vs new MC ( fo ) events Barrel Barrel holes EndCaps Resolution OK, holes ok bug found on EndCap.. now fixed
KPW3 Old vs New MC: dependence along
KPW3 Old vs New MC: dependence along X and Y
KPW3 New MC: simulation of cluster efficiency for
MC meeting LNF KPW3 Conclusions The new MC follows much more closely the details of cluster reconstruction and shower development in the EMC: energy and time resolution OK Non linearity in response similar. holes and other small details simulated shower shape OK inefficiency still a trouble. Forced imposing measured efficiency. simulation of mach background OK for all detectors (much more tests expected for post-mc production Slopes, rates of accidentals ) Much more testing also necessary on masses of neutral objects