# 1# 1 Nested If Statements in VBA What is a compound condition that we evaluate? What is a Nested If statement? How do we use ElseIf? CS 105 Spring 2010
# 2# 2 Compound Conditions -- Review If intA = 26 intB = 34 intC = 16 Then intA < intB is TRUE intB < intC is FALSE (intA < intB) And (intB < intC) is FALSE (intA < intB) Or (intB < intC) is TRUE Not (intB < intC)is TRUE
# 3# 3 CS 105 Spring 2010 Simple Use of NOT If NOT (mintRow < 3) Then Exit Sub End If
# 4# 4 CS 105 Spring 2010 Example of NOT – Track Meet Scores Private Sub cmdNotExample_Click() If Not (intUIUC < intMSU) And Not (intUIUC < intIU) Then Range(“C5").Value = "We won, We won!" End If End Sub
# 5# 5 CS 105 Spring 2010 Nested If Statements Use Nested If when you have multiple decisions, as in a decision tree. You use Case Statements when a variable has multiple values (we will cover Case Statements next)
# 6# 6 CS 105 Spring 2010 Putting it all together with Excel We named this cell “Total”
# 7# 7 CS 105 Spring 2010 What does this code do? Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If Range("Total").Value > 5000 Then Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Else If Range("Total").Value > 3000 Then Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Else Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 End If End Sub
# 8# 8 CS 105 Spring 2010 If the first condition is True… Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If Range("Total").Value > 5000 Then Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Else If Range("Total").Value > 3000 Then Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Else Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 End If End Sub
# 9# 9 CS 105 Spring 2010 What does this code do? Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If Range("Total").Value > 5000 Then Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 ElseIf Range("Total").Value > 3000 Then Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Else Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 End If End Sub
# 10 CS 105 Spring 2010 Add the comments to an Else/If Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click() If Range("Total").Value > 5000 Then 'Yellow should show the profit! Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 ElseIf Range("Total").Value > 3000 Then ' light blue gives us a warning Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 8 Else 'We feel sick...green Range("Total").Interior.ColorIndex = 4 End If End Sub
# 11 CS 105 Spring 2010 Nested If Flowchart Execute next statement after End If in procedure Test Condition If False True Statements below the If, then go to below final End If Test Condition True Statements below Else Statements below ElseIf, then go to below final End If ElseIf False
# 12 Testing our knowledge If the condition is FALSE do we A. Skip over code and go to Else or ElseIf? B. Execute the next line of code? CS 105 Spring 2010
# 13 CS 105 Spring 2010 To Summarize: What is a compound condition that we evaluate? What is a Nested If statement? How do we use ElseIf?
# 14 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CS 105 Spring 2010
# 15 YES YES YOU SKIP LINES OF CODE! CS 105 Spring 2010