1 Communications Strategy Creating Effective Communications Campaigns
2 The Bottom Line to Communications Strategy l Say the right things l to the right people l in the right way l at the right time, and l do it consistently over time and l across different ways of communicating.
The Communication Process Media Sender Encoding Message Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise
4 II. Developing a Communications Plan
Major Decisions 5. How will we know we succeeded? 1. What do we want to happen? 3. What should we say? 6. How much should we spend? 4. Where, when, and how often should we say it? 2. Who should we talk to?
6 1. Major Goals of Communications Build Awareness Build Awareness Acceptance of Organization (long term) Increase acceptance of offered services (short term) Create Associations Create Associations Motivate to Act Motivate to Act
What can Communications Do? Influence Awareness Influence Awareness Influence Perceptions Influence Perceptions Influence Preferences Influence Preferences Influence Behavior Influence Behavior Influence Partners Influence Partners Establish awareness Maintain awareness Establish an image for the services Modify relative service positioning Educate &/or change misconceptions Change trade-offs made by beneficiaries Change dimensions along which alternatives are evaluated Develop an intent to avail of services Encourage behavioral changes Promote meeting occasions Encourage feed backs Obtain cooperation Receive favorable attention/space
8 Bottom Line Question Why are beneficiaries not welcoming our services/offers?
9 2. Selecting the Appropriate Target l Beneficiaries l Middlepeople l Competitors
Plan a Message Strategy General Message to Be Communicated to Beneficiaries Plan a Message Strategy General Message to Be Communicated to Beneficiaries Messages Develop a Position and a Personality Focus on Intended Benefits Develop a Position and a Personality Focus on Intended Benefits Creative Concept “Big Idea” Visualization or Phrase Combination of Both Creative Concept “Big Idea” Visualization or Phrase Combination of Both Message Appeals Meaningful Believable Distinctive Message Appeals Meaningful Believable Distinctive
11 Start with a Positioning Statement l ________________ (service) l is _____________( unique & most important claim) l among all _____________( competitive frame) l for ___________________( segment ) l because _____________________( support )
5. Campaign Evaluation Communication Effects Are we increasingly welcomed? Communication Effects Are we increasingly welcomed? Communications Program Evaluation Service Effects Are beneficiaries increasingly availing of services ? Service Effects Are beneficiaries increasingly availing of services ?