THE GRETAs under the ministry of national Education
GRETAs network o 220 Gretas (groupment of public educational schools) in France, and 5 in Poitou-Charentes. o Gathering their skills ans technical means o providing adult training
GRETAs are spread on the whole territory o 220 GRETAs in France (2007) = training center among them 200 language centres and 170 skill analysis centres o adult training advisors o trainers trainees/year millions Euros turnover
The main services of the GRETAs Training … but also counselling and guidance for qualification and employment o Skills and professionnal analysis o Training counselling o Pedagogical and training engineering o Training of trainers and tutors o Training o Evaluation o Guidance o Accreditation of experiential learning (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience)
Training fields (2007)
Audience o Mainly employees o Trainings can lead to diplomas from the ‘CAP’ to the ‘BTS’ (2 years after the Baccalaureate), and sometimes vocational post- secondary degrees. o Customized training : considering individual needs and projects, achievements, ways of learning…
The main Funds providers of the GRETAs (2007)
The GRETA network : Key Skills
A pedagogical and ingeneering expertise o Production of evaluation and learning tools linked to the new training modes: individualisation, alternate training, integrated training schemes based on work situations, open and distance learning using ICT… o Production of activities, skills and training standards o Modular trainings design
Access’ Devices to Key Skills o 5 key skills in France : communication in the mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, digital competence, learning to learn. o 4 degrees of learning o Low skilled public o Devices located throughout the national territory
In Poitou-Charentes 7 learning spaces managed by the Greta o Angoulême o Bressuire o Châtellerault o La Rochelle o Parthenay o Rochefort o Thouars Thouars