Early Civilizations in China
The Geography of China The most isolated of the ancient civilizations Believed China was the center of the Earth and the sole source of civilization
Geographic Barriers High mountain ranges to the West and Southwest (Tien Shan and Himalayas) Thick jungles in the Southeast divide China from Southeast Asia Gobi Desert in the North Pacific Ocean to the East –Most contact with outside world was made with nomadic invaders who were usually absorbed in Chinese civilization
Main Regions The heartland lay along the Huang He (Yellow River) and the Yangzi –Provided water for irrigation and trade Outlying regions are Xinjiang, Mongolia, and Manchuria –Xinjiang and Mongolia have harsh climates and rugged terrain
River of Sorrows Chinese History began in the Huang He valley Got it’s name from the loess (fine windblown yellow soil) –As loess settles to the bottom of the river, it causes the water level to rise so there was constant building and repair of the dams to keep the river from flooding the land
Huang He (Yellow River)
China Under the Shang About 1650 BC, people called the Shang gained control of northern China along the Huang He –The Shang dynasty dominated the region until 1027 BC –During this time Chinese civilization first took shape
Government Large palaces and rich tombs were built for rulers Walled capital city – Anyang Noble women had considerable status –Fu Hao (wife of Shang king) owned land and led an army against invaders Loyal princes and nobles governed most of the land
Social Classes Royal families and warriors at the top Artisans and merchants were 2 nd class Peasants were at the bottom –They clustered together in farming villages
Religious Beliefs They prayed to many gods and nature spirits –Chief god was Shang Di and a mother goddess –Only the greatest mortals such as a king could reach the gods Great ancestors were given sacrifices in hopes of talking to the gods Believed the universe reflected a delicate balance between two forces, Yin and Yang –Yin was linked to Earth, darkness, and female forces –Yang stood for Heaven, light, and male forces
System of Writing Consulting the ancestors –Writing on oracle bones (animal bones or turtle shells) Shang priests wrote questions addressed to the gods or spirit of an ancestor –The bones were heated until they cracked, the pattern provided the answer
System of Writing A difficult study –Written Chinese began about 4,000 years ago –Each of the 10,000 characters represents a word or idea –It fostered unity across the land and some form of communication
Zhou Dynasty In 1027 BC the Zhou dynasty overthrew the Shang and lasted until 256 BC
Mandate of Heaven They believed in divine right to rule Used to explain the Dynastic Cycle – rise and fall of dynasties
Feudal State Supporters were given control over regions Feudalism – a system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to the ruler
Zhou Dynasty China grew economically at this time Led to an increase in population
Chinese Achievements Silk making The first books