State of Georgia Release Management Training 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess State of Georgia Release Management Training Welcome to the Change Process Training for Resolvers course in support of Hess.
Agenda Release Management Definition Roles and Responsibilities 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Agenda Release Management Definition Roles and Responsibilities Create or Update the Release Calendar Release Management Process Flow Release Planning Considerations Contact Information
Release Management - Definition 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Definition The purpose of Release Management is to provide a method to manage and implement change requests into production by using a set release schedule and by packaging work items into logical groupings. The objectives of Release Management are to: Control the production environment Promote Change Requests efficiently and in a timely manner Reduce the amount of "reactionary" activity that results from non-planning Allow the ability to efficiently assign resources to change requests by providing maximum utilization of resources Improve efficiencies by leveraging resources for testing activities across multiple work efforts Plan and organize hardware and software requests into a release schedule Monitor the progress of the projects within the release Package work requests into logical groupings for implementation into production Plan and implement approved new applications and functionality to support GTA business priorities Integrate with other operational planning and management processes such as Change Management, Technology Strategy and Refresh, Project Management, Request Governance, Configuration Management and Service Level Management Manage software and hardware release distribution requests efficiently from a single point of control including: Policy definition, request handling and planning activities Building, testing and distributing activities for release packages Page 3
Release Management - Definition 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Definition A release is defined as a collection of hardware, software, documentation, processes or other components required to implement one or more approved Changes to IT services. The contents of each release are managed, tested, and deployed as a single entity. It is a set of configuration items that is tested and introduced into the IT pre-production and production environment together. A release may include any combination of application software, system software, and hardware, together with associated documentation. It is distinct from a Change, in that a Change is the addition, modification or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT Services. Page 4
Release Management - Definition 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Definition Release Management includes all activities required to plan and implement large, critical, or major rollouts of software and hardware. Its goal is to take a holistic view of such rollouts and changes to manage and control all technical and non-technical aspects of the release together. Changes are implemented through the Change Management process. IBM’s role in planning and implementing releases for GTA is limited to infrastructure, operating systems, and tools. For applications, IBM will support application support teams as needed for these release activities, becoming involved in the creation of test environments and in release of the code into the production environment. IBM’s role in planning and implementing releases for GTA is limited to infrastructure, operating systems, and tools. For applications, IBM will support application support teams as needed for these release activities, becoming involved in the creation of test environments and in release of the code into the production environment Page 5
Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities The GTA and IBM roles involved in Release Management, and the responsibilities associated with those roles, are as follows. GTA Release Management Focal The GTA Release Management Focal is responsible for: Collaborating with the IBM Release Architect to define what constitutes a release unit Providing input to define the release calendar Agreeing upon scheduled releases to be executed Communicating the release calendar and specific release plans to affected GTA stakeholders and users Assisting in the integration of related sets of changes to specific releases Acting with the Change committee to approve releases to move to production Page 6
Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities IBM Process Lead The IBM Process Lead is responsible for participating in roll-outs in which process activities, such as Refresh and Technical Currency, have initiated the release, or process activities, such as End User Computing Services, that are initiated by the release. Specific responsibilities include: Providing input on upcoming roll-outs to populate the release calendar Assisting in planning releases and defining release content Assisting with the management of relevant release projects through execution and evaluation Updating the CMDB with configuration items changed as a result of the release Communicating and reporting project status to GTA and IBM stakeholders Confirming that the release and its deliverables are executed according to IBM process and policy standards Page 7
Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities IBM Release Architect The IBM Release Architect is responsible for: • Collaborating with the GTA Release Management Focal to define what constitutes a release unit • Reviewing the Technology Refresh Plan and the Technology Refresh Deployment Schedule to provide input into the release plan • Reviewing the previous release plan for input into the new plan • Reviewing system capacity for input into the release plan • Reviewing the release environment for changes that may affect the release • Assisting in developing release content Page 8
Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities IBM Release Coordinator The IBM Release Coordinator is responsible for any GTA site-specific tasks. Responsibilities include: • Acting as single point of contact for each requested release • Interfacing with the CAB, as required • Providing input to assist in planning the release calendar • Communicating release plan to stakeholders • Determining release deployment strategies with GTA Release Management Focal • Interfacing with GTA or IBM service teams, as needed • Providing timelines and resource estimates • Approving release content with GTA Release Management Focal • Coordinating the release through testing, as required • Communicating status and issues to IBM Process Lead • Identifying and communicating issues and problems to release staff • Communicating changes in technical and documentation standards to the IBM Process Lead and the Service Desk • Maintaining version control for all releases, utilizing the appropriate tool(s) in conjunction with development and test teams • Updating the change record for each release • Assisting in evaluating the success of the completed release • Implementing and enforcing deployment best practices and administrative procedures Page 9
Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management – Roles and Responsibilities IBM Release Analyst The IBM Release Analyst is responsible for: • Assisting in planning the release and defining release content • Coordinating and reporting on user acceptance testing (UAT) and quality assurance testing (QAT), as needed • Obtaining and coordinating official CAB approval for the move to production • Initiating the promotion of the release into production and assisting with configuration and installation, as needed • Communicating problems and managing activities through the release process • Performing system testing of the release after moving into production • Reviewing impact of emergency changes on planned releases, as needed Page 10
Create or Update the Release Calendar 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Create or Update the Release Calendar The following high-level interface flows illustrate the interfaces between GTA personnel and IBM service delivery personnel. The two interface components of Release Management are to create or update the Release Calendar, and manage and implement the release.
Release Management Process Flow 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Execute a Release Release Management Process Flow 12
Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information Release Planning Considerations When packaging Change Records into releases, the following considerations should be taken into account for prioritizing, assigning resources, and scheduling: • GTA impact • GTA priority • Business impact • Business justification • Business priority • Complexity • Length of available change windows • Number of Configuration Items (CIs) • Regulatory requirements • Resource availability • Security of affected components and data
Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information Release Planning Considerations Change Management Change Management is required to confirm that standard methods and procedures are used during change, to minimize the negative impact of changes on the environment, and to maximize the productivity of the users, developers, testers and support team. Change Management also provides sufficient lead-time and notification to affected parties enabling successful implementation of the requested change. Release Calendar Release Management is intended to supplement Change Management. Prior to implementing a release, a release calendar is required to be established and communicated to all stakeholders. A release calendar contains all the dates during the year on which grouped Change Records can be implemented into production. Page 14
Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information Release Planning Considerations Release Plan Requirements All releases are required to follow defined policies such as release definitions, scope, conventions, frequency, documentation standards, authorization requirements, and deliverables. These policies are defined in the release content defined for each release. Configuration Management Release Management is required to control configuration items (CI), including update of CIs in the CMDB, documenting CI attributes and relationships in release documentation, observing CI naming conventions, using appropriate repositories for controlling CIs (Definitive Software Library (DSL), Definitive Hardware Store (DHS), controlled document storage), and authorization of CI updates through Change Management. Page 15
Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information 4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Release Management - Supplementary Interface Information Release Planning Considerations Project Management Project Management should be engaged for all releases, in order to control the work as a cohesive and comprehensively planned project. Specific areas of concern to releases typically include: Asset Management, Service Level Management, IT Security Management, Change Management, System Support and Configuration Management. The Project Manager (see the Project Management section) should review all relevant requirements of these related services, for instance obtaining or complying with: purchase requests, license agreements, support agreements, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), hardware installation and move procedures, software installation and maintenance, disposal procedures for equipment and software, security policies and procedures such as ISeC, change policies, procedures and schedule, and configuration policies and standards Release Scheduling The release plan is composed at least annually and updated if the impact of emergency changes affects the schedule. Page 16
4/26/2017Change/IMAC Process Training for Hess Contact Information If you have more questions regarding the release management process, please use the below contact information. Change/Release Management Coordinator Cameron Toon CTOON@US.IBM.COM 972-495-5647