Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 1
2 Agriscience Careers Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 – Lesson 1.3 Finding Your Career Path
3 Agriculture’s Impact 1.2 billion acres in the United States are devoted to agriculture One farmer produces enough food and fiber for 144 people $68.7 billion worth of American agricultural products were exported around the world in 2006
4 Need for Agriscience Employees $21 million people work in some phase of agriculture $15% of the total work force $Over 300 different careers are available in the science, business and technology of agriculture
5 Job vs. Career Job – A specific task done as part of one’s profession or for an agreed price Example – Stable hand Career – a person’s profession Example – Animal Trainer A person might have several jobs in the course of a career.
6 Career Wheel 6 Production Agriculture
7 Only 1/5 of all agriscience jobs Includes traditional farming and ranching 7
8 Agricultural Processing, Products and Distribution 8 Involves the hauling, grading, processing, packing and marketing of commodities from production sources. Example: Frozen food processor
9 Horticulture 9 Includes producing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants Example: Greenhouse manager
10 Forestry 10 Involves growing, managing and harvesting trees for lumber and many other commodities Examples: Logger, forest ranger
11 Renewable Natural Resources 11 Involves the management of wetlands, rangelands, water, fish and wildlife Examples: Game warden, marine biologist
12 Agricultural Supplies and Services 12 Businesses that sell supplies to agencies that provide services to people in agriscience Examples: Pet shop manager, animal trainer
13 Agricultural Mechanics 13 The design, operation, maintenance, service, selling and use of power units, machinery, equipment, structures and utilities in agriscience Example: Welder
14 Agriscience Professions 14 Profession means an occupation requiring specialized education, especially law, medicine, teaching or ministry. Example: Agriculture Instructor Maybe this picture is you?
15 References Burton, L.D., & Cooper, E.L. (2010). Agriscience fundamentals & applications. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar. National FFA Organization. (2009). FFA & agricultural statistics. Retrieved October 27, 2009 from out.stats out.stats