Capabilities of Humans
Gestalt More than the sum of its parts
Gestalt German word for form/shape/likeness
Proximity Objects near each other appear as a group Have you ever sorted things into piles?? Additional ‘group’ characteristics are assumed "Guilt by Association" is natural human bias Example: Apple's Keynote tool bar:
Multi-stable perception Ambiguous perception “Stably” perceive multiple things A 3D cube drawing Flashing lights moving 1 direction or the other
Invariance Consistently perceived (invariant) Mind recognizes the object despite variations in translation or even shape
A clue into a known mental model Mimics similar characteristics of the mental model User knows by relationship the characteristics Cut, Copy, Paste Trash or Recycling Bin The Desktop Online “Shopping Cart” Metaphors
A predictive model of the behavior of something Metaphors exploit user’s mental models Expectations are based on these Users will apply their mental models regardless Know your user base Mental Model
Symmetry Positioning (translational) Within shapes repeating pattern within the shape mirror images (reflection) [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] On a larger more abstract view; “balance”
The natural “flow” Alignment Outlines Misalignment makes something look out of order “odd one out” is useful to exploit Continuity
Exploit the minds shape recognition Graphic design uses not much on so much for GUI Pie Menu Enclosure being same concept and more common in GUIs (edit handles on a selected item) Closure
Memory 7±2
Users don’t want to memorize Web surfers are even worse “Chunking” Memory Aids keyboard short cuts, bookmarks, icons, symbols File path, Bread Crumbs, Domain Names, File Names NOTE: this is not just about TEXT… for example: color, orientation, sound, smell, relative position 7±2
Time Sensory memory instant; subconscious or below that Short-term memory 30 sec - 2 min Long-term memory not reliable, easily manipulated often subconscious in nature; negatives & farce are true
Interruptions / distractions < 0.1 sec = “instantaneous” < 1.0 sec = noticed, but continues > 10 sec = interrupted, “where did my glasses go?” Web users frequently get interrupted…
FREE recall any order, no hints, little context SERIAL recall ordered or sorted: Recite the alphabet backwards... CUED recall signals help trigger up the memory - it doesn't have to be logical Any sense can be used; smell for example (is fastest) Kinds of Memory Recall
Recall puts work on the user memorization Recognition helps the user Figure out the mental model to apply Jogs their memory to Recall or provides the information Exploits their working knowledge Recognition vs Recall
Perceived Affordance "Intuitive"
A quality that makes it easy to identify the functionalities of an interface Combines the previous topics to let users “intuitively” operate something Light switches placed relative to the lights they control Door handles positioned closer to the open side “The Design of Everyday Things” (mentioned in the syllabus)
All the topics ALSO are impacted by other senses SOUND: representative sound or metaphor TIME: Light/Power switches intuitively react IMMEDIATELY Human vision is heavily MOTION based! Closure, Continuity, Invariance, Closure, Memory Aids, Multi-stable perception, metaphors and especially EMERGENCE Animation can greatly help the brain at these tasks Other Senses
Don’t force people to remember rely on recognition instead of recall chunk info Provide memory aids and visual cues Consider your user's Mental Models (metaphors) Provide FEEDBACK (please wait…) Conclusion