CS 240A: Databases and Knowledge Bases Analysis of Active Databases Carlo Zaniolo Department of Computer Science University of California, Los Angeles Notes From Chapter 4 of Advanced Database Systems by Zaniolo, Ceri, Faloutsos, Snodgrass, Subrahmanian and Zicari Morgan Kaufmann, 1997
Properties of rule execution Termination: For any legal transaction, the subsequent rule execution terminates. Confluence:For any legal transaction, the subsequent rule execution terminates in the same final state. Identical observable behavior: For any legal transaction, the subsequent rule execution is confluent and produces the same output sequence.
Analysis of Termination An active database has NonTerminating Behavior iff there exists at least one transaction which produces nonterminating rule processing. Triggering Graph (TG): Directed graph {V, E} Node v i V correspond to rule r i R Arc r j,r k E means that the action of rule r j generates events which trigger rule r k Acyclicity of the triggering graph implies the absence of non-terminating behaviors
Two rules creating an arc CREATE RULE T1 FOR Table1 WHEN... IF... THEN UPDATE Table1.Attr1... CREATE RULE T2 FOR Table1 WHEN UPDATED(Attr1) IF... THEN...
Cyclic Rules With termination: CREATE RULE SalaryControl ON Emp WHEN INSERTED, DELETED, UPDATED (Sal) IF ( SELECT AVG (Sal) FROM Emp ) > 100 THEN UPDATE Emp SET Sal =.9 * Sal
Cyclic Rules Without termination: CREATE RULE SalaryControl2 ON Emp WHEN INSERTED, DELETED, UPDATED (Sal) IF ( SELECT AVG (Sal) FROM Emp ) > 100 THEN UPDATE Emp SET Sal = 1.1 * Sal
Improving Rule Analysis Eliminate edge between two rules when: The condition of r j is guaranteed to be false after the execution of r i. The new data produced by r i do not satisfy the condition of r j.
Example of second case: Grade range rules CREATE TRIGGER CheckGradeDomain1 AFTER UPDATE OF Exam ON Grade REFERENCING NEW AS N FOR EACH ROW WHEN (N.Grade > 30) UPDATE Exam SET Grade = NULL WHERE ExamNumber = N.ExamNumber CREATE TRIGGER CheckGradeDomain2 AFTER UPDATE OF Exam ON Grade REFERENCING NEW AS N FOR EACH ROW WHEN (N.Grade < 18) THEN UPDATE Exam SET Grade = NULL WHERE ExamNumber = N.ExamNumber
Analysis of Confluence Confluence is the property that there only one final result (even when execution is nondeterministic) This is often called Church-Rosser property, and the Knuth-Bendix algorithm can be used (in some cases) to determine if a given set of rules has this property Set-oriented Rules (I.e., statement level triggering event) Confluence is an issue when there is no total order between rules. For tuple-oriented rules (e.g., for each row) confluence is an issue even if the rules are totally ordered. In general confluence is hard to assure and might not be necessary.
Confluence (cont.) Tuple-oriented Rules Confluence is much harder to ensure; it requires that the final state does not depend on the system's controlled order in which tuples are accessed. But: Confluence is not necessary or desirable in many cases. Mutating table exception, when a table that is currently being updated also needs to be changed by a rule; may reveal lack of confluence. Sufficient condition for confluence: Commutativity of two rules r 1 and r 2 : if for any database state, rule r i and then rule r 1 followed by r 2 produces the same database as r 2 followed by r 1.
Confluence: Commutative Rules create trigger T1 for C1 events modify(A1) condition C1(X), X.A1=7 actions modify(C1.A2,X,A2+1) end; create trigger T2 for C1 events modify(A1) condition C1(X), X.A1=7 actions modify(C1.A2,X,A2+2) end;
Observable Determinism For every input application, rule processing execution terminates in the same final state with the same output sequence (messages, display activities, reports). Unlike confluence, observable determinism is neither necessary nor desirable in most cases. Rules may be confluent but not satisfy observable determinism: create trigger T1 for C1 events modify(A1) condition C1(X), X.A1=7 actions modify(C1.A2,X,A2+1), display(I where integer(I), I=X.A2) end; create trigger T2 for C1 events modify(A1) condition C1(X), X.A1=7 actions modify(C1.A2,X,A2+2), display(I where integer(I), I=X.A2) end;
Modularization Techniques for Active Rule Design The main problem with rules: understanding their interaction. This is not just a design issue, but rather a maintenance problem--The AI experience: XCON Understanding rules after their design is quite hard. Adding one rule to a rule set may lead to unexpected behaviors. The main reason: lack of modularization devices for active rules. Can we improve predictability of active rules by better structuring: next slide.
Eventual consistency From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Eventual consistency is used in distributed computing to maximize achieve high availability [as opposed to determinism or serializability--CZ] It guarantees that, if no new updates are made to a given data item, eventually all accesses to that item will return the last updated value. A system that has achieved eventual consistency is often said to have converged, or achieved replica convergence. Analysis based on Datalog and monotonicity in generalized lattices [UCB]
Modularization by Stratification Stratification: partitioning of rules into disjoint strata such that each strata includes ``uniform'' rules. Benefit: Rule behavior can be abstracted by: Reasoning ``locally" on each individual stratum Reasoning ``globally" of the behavior across strata A key design principle for providing rule modularization and control.
Rule Debugging and Monitoring Purpose: runtime debugging and monitoring for tuning active rules' behavior. Commercial systems lack of debugging and monitoring tools. Minimum requirement: trace facility-but even this often unavailable. Some research prototypes offer powerful debuggers (e.g., Chimera)
Conclusions Database production rules are: Very powerful Very widespread (on almost all relational products) Very difficult to program—even harder to maintain Active rule products must be enhanced: Many products are ``implemented'', with severe limitation and sometimes illdefined semantics SQL:1999 is now published cleans up several problems --but many others remain. Concepts such as stratification will hopefully soon become a widespread notion for improving design Declarative interfaces are possible for many active database applications integrity constraints, materialized views, virtual views, authorization, dependency control, deduction, versions,workflow management, resource management,....