All State lands within New York State: State Forest, Forest Preserve, Wildlife Management Areas, Unique Areas, etc. Approximately = 4 million acres
State Forest lands: About 445 properties = 786,000 acres +/-
Unit Manangement Plans: Written to address groupings of State Forests. About 78 UMPs statewide.
UMP areas range in size from 112 acres to 46,490 acres. Average size = 10,350 acres.
Lutheranville State Forest Schoharie Reforestation Area #11 1,810 acres
Lutheranville State Forest Individual stand mosaic Total State Forest Stands = 45,858
Sample plots for stand-level inventory. 1,760 acres (- water) 955 sample plots Average = 1.8 acres/plot
Systematic grid of sample plots: Forest-level inventory Data is post-stratified Example of 1 plot/20 acres 87 sample plots total.
Eventually, we successfully demonstrated that there was significant benefits to changing from a stand level inventory to some sort of stratified/CFI style inventory for unit management planning purposes Next we were charged with determining how to proceed Modify existing inventory program (SFID) Customized in-house analysis via SAS Commercial software already available in the marketplace USFS via NIMAC
We reached out to everyone we could get to talk to us USFS SUNY ESF Agencies from 8 different States 7 different forest inventory/software/consulting companies Originally, we hoped we would find one solution that could handle both CFI inventory and stand level inventory but based on our conversations, this appeared to not be commonly available or even a desirable outcome So we focused on finding the best CFI solution for our needs
Two divergent paths developed Experience told us that we did not want to develop our own in-house product and we felt that our current contractor could not reprogram SFID within the current timeframe and budget of their existing contract Leaving us at a decision point: Do we proceed with an RFP and go with one of several viable solutions via the private market? or Do we contract directly with NIMAC?
Ultimately we decided that utilizing the resources and expertise of the USFS via NIMAC for a CFI style of inventory would give us access to well researched, thoroughly tested, and nationally recognized product Commercial products seemed to be geared toward timber management We could potentially tap into existing FIA data This would relieve the DEC from the responsibility of maintaining the system When our existing contract for SFID runs out, we would then perhaps enter the marketplace to find a replacement for SFID for our stand level inventory database
But, this is all dependent on receiving funding Lands and Forests has requested funds for the first three years We have to hope that the budget makers understand why we want to essentially double our inventory budget to collect information that the current system was theoretically already doing We also need to re-establish the inventory section The previous inventory section chief retired +/-5 years ago and was never replaced Hire permanent and/or seasonal support staff/field staff depending on program priorities
Next Steps to Implement the CFI Design considerations Sample design Permanent/temporary/mix of plots Stratification Sample size Plot design Fixed vs variable radius overstory Determination for DWM, Regen, etc. Key Discussion Point: Current status vs Change emphasis
Conducting the CFI Select plot locations and panelize for 5 yr cycle Develop field guide for all measurement protocols Customize PDR software (MIDAS) to match field guide Construct database to house field data and computed values Field crew training - > collect inventory data
Analyses and Reporting Compile/process data on annual basis Populate and customize PC-EVALIDator as needed Serves as database (MS Access) Analytical tool – myriad of attribute estimate tables Develop reports that inform management and policy decisions Re-evaluate/adjust: is the CFI addressing the desired information needs?