STIR IT UP ABROAD International & Study Abroad Office Your Opportunity to Study Abroad Student Recruitment & Admissions Service
STIR IT UP ABROAD What is Study Abroad? Earn academic credit towards your degree whilst studying in a foreign country Study for a semester or full year 2 types of exchange programmes 1)ERASMUS Exchange 2)University of Stirling Exchange Student Recruitment & Admissions Service
STIR IT UP ABROAD 50+ Universities in Europe Organised by your department When? What about costs? Great for Language Students Student Recruitment & Admissions Service ERASMUS Exchange
STIR IT UP ABROAD Student Recruitment & Admissions Service institutions across the world Australia Canada Hong Kong Japan USA When? What about costs? Opportunity to go further outside of Europe University Exchange
STIR IT UP ABROAD ⇒ International & Study Abroad Office and SA Leaflet ⇒ Prospectus (Study Abroad Opportunities) Website: Student Recruitment & Admissions Service find out more How do I find out more?