Food Photo Photo Anthony Albright CC By CC By
Sustainable Solutions Photo by Chris Bahn Food It is predicted that global food production will need to increase by up to 70% to meet the needs of the rising population Costs of transporting food will increase, so we’ll need to grow more food on plots within, or closer to our cities People will need to grow more of their own food (indoors/outdoors, wherever they can find space) and waste less food than they do currently. Photo Photo James Cridlandt CC By CC By Photo by Chris Bahn
Energy Photo Photo Leo McArdle CC By CC By
Sustainable Solutions Energy Over the last 200 years an ever-increasing proportion of our energy has come from non-renewable sources such as oil and coal. While demand for energy rises these resources are running out. Consequently, we are ever more reliant on fossil fuels like oil, coal and gas. These are finite and non-renewable. Creating vast amounts of CO 2, as well as other harmful gases contributes to global warming, causing sea levels to rise. It is also having a disastrous effect upon the lives of the animal and plant life. PhotoPhoto by Tom Green CC ByCC By Photo Photo MikeyCC ByCC By Photo Photo Crispin SemmensCC ByCC By
Nature Photo Photo ZeroOne CC By CC By
Sustainable Solutions Nature As human population increases and our cities grow in size there are less green areas in and around our cities How our landscapes connect with large areas of concreate and tarmac can make it really difficult for animals of all shapes and sizes to get around Animals that pollinate flowering plants, which we need to help grow our food, are in decline. One big reason for this is the toxic chemicals farmers use to spray their crops. Steve Nicholls Avon Wildlife Trust Chris Bahn
Waste Photo Photo Dominic Alves CC By CC By
Sustainable Solutions Waste Most of this waste we throw away globally is from developed countries like the UK. We produce more than 290 million tonnes of waste every year and this number is increasing. A lot of this rubbish doesn’t rot away and finding somewhere to put all is a serious problem! A lot of the waste we produce is actually recyclable. We actually save energy by recycling. Photo Photo EpSos.deByBy Photo Photo North Devon CouncilByBy
Transport Photo Photo Davind Bolton CC By CC By
Sustainable Solutions Transport People face increasing levels of traffic congestion and parking difficulties; more car parks is not really a long term solution! People who travel into cities for work are spending longer commuting. This leads to problems including stress, isolation and poor health through obesity. Most cars need oil, which is turned into petrol, to run. This finite resource also creates smog and carbon monoxide pollution which is contributing to climate change. Photo by Chris Bahn Photo by Wessex Water Phot by Chris Bahn