Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Thursday, February 04, 2016 DO NOW: take out your notebook and a pen. Review your notes from yesterday.
What are the selection tools? Allows you to select a portion of the image you want to work on. Types of selection tools: 1. Marquee tools 2. Lasso tools 3. Pixel selection tools
What are the FREEHAND selection tools? Shortcut: L
How do I use the POLYGONAL LASSO? The polygonal lasso creates straight line selections. Click on your image to set the first anchor point. Then continue to click and create additional anchors. Once you have come full circle and return to your initial point a small o will appear prompting you to close the shape.
How do I use the MAGNETIC LASSO? Pixels are distinguished only by their color. The magnetic lasso creates selections that “snap” to the “edges” within an image. Edges refers to the areas of different color boundaries.
Magnetic Lasso options: Width - The interior width by detecting an edge from the pointer. This setting is measured in pixels and can have a value from 1 to 40 Edge Contrast - The tool’s sensitivity. This setting can be value between 1% and 100% - higher values detect higher contrast edges. Frequency - The rate at which fastening points are applied. The value can be between 0 and higher values insert more fastening points.
What is the Magic Wand tool? Automatically selects like-colored pixels. Shortcut: W Selection Options - Use these options to create a new selection, or add, subtract or intersect an existing selection. Tolerance - Enter a value between 0 to 255. The higher the value the more information the tool selects.
More Magic Wand tool options: Anti Aliased - Check this box for a softer selection Contiguous - Check this box to select adjacent pixels within the same document.
What is the Quick Selection tool? The quick selection tool a new tool that allows you to paint-to-select an object from the interior using a resizable brush.
Quick Selection tool options: Brush Options - Quick Selection allows you to control the size of the brush that you will use to select. Sample All Layers - Create a selection based on all layers, not just the selected one. Auto-Enhance - reduce roughness in selection edge.
How do I save my document? Choose the folder where you want to save your work. CTRL S
What is the difference between a SAVE and SAVE AS? Use SAVE when your files is already named and you want to overwrite. Use SAVE AS to create a separate document with a new name. CTRL SHIFT S
Can I name my files anything I want? NO! Use NAMING CONVENTIONS: format to keep naming consistent throughout a large workgroup. Special characters cannot be used: /., # $ % & * Always use FILE EXTENSIONS.
What is a file extension? The FILE EXTENSION reflects the type of format the document is written as. Different file formats serve different purposes. Usually written as period letters
What is.PSD? PhotoShop Document =.PSD Native Photoshop format The only one that can be used if you file has more than one layers.
What is.PSD? PhotoShop Document =.PSD Native Photoshop format The only one that can be used if you file has more than one layers.
What is Quick Mask mode? Allows you the ability to create a complex selection using Photoshop’s selection, painting and drawing tools.
How do I paint with Quick Mask? Select the Brush tool (shortcut: B). Choose BLACK paint as the FORGROUND color to mask areas.
How do I paint with Quick Mask? Select the Brush tool (shortcut: B). Choose WHITE paint as the FORGROUND color to open selected areas.
EXERCISE: 1. Log in and Open Photoshop. 2. Open Fruit Folder in “Edelman Public Folder” on the Server. Open Fruit File. 3. Using the Marquee, Lasso and Pixel selection tools, select 3 pieces of fruit and copy and paste them into new layers. 4. Name all layers appropriately. 5. Hide the background layer. Make the edges as clean as possible. 6. Save to your Flash Drive as: Name_Fruit.psd