Contents What is Digital Signature(DS)? General Signature Vs. Digital Signatures How DS is Different from Encryption? Working of DS Video Authentication of H.264 using DS Question-Answer References
What is Digital Signature? A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message, document, digital image or digital video. A valid digital signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender. Digital signature provide authenticity, integrity and nonrepudiation. The sender cannot deny that we have not have not sent the message (Nonrepudiation). Message is not modified indicate message Integrity.
General Signature Vs. Digital signature- General signature is part of documents but digital signature is not part of documents, it is sending with documents. For verification of general signature in documents we compare it with the original signature of file. But In digital signature verification we compute digital signature at receiver site. If computed digital signature matched with sender side DS then documents is authentic otherwise tampered.
Continue……… In general signature we use one signature in many documents(One to Many) but in digital signature we use one digital signature for one document (One to One). Digital signature is more robust in comparison to General Signature. Digital signature is complex but general signature is simple. Copying of General signature is easy but not for DS.
Digital signature Process- The sender uses a signing algorithm to sign the message. The message and the signature are sent to the receiver. The receiver receives the message and the signature and applies the verifying algorithm to the combination If the result is true, the message is accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.
Digital Signature Process-
How DS is Different from Encryption? 9 Digital Signature(DS)- Alice wants to sign and send a message to Bob Encryption algorithm Bob Messages match Alice’s private key Digital Signature Alice’s public key Received Digital Signature Original Message Received Message Encryption algorithm Alice Yes = Signature Verified No= Signature Verification failed
Encryption………. 10 Alice wants to encrypt and send a message to Bob Encryption algorithm Bob Bob’s public key Cipher message Bob’s private key Received cipher message Original Message Encryption algorithm Alice
Continue………. DS require public key cryptography system, sender sign with its own private key and receiver verify it with public key provide by sender. Digital Signature use private and public key of sender and public key of cryptography use private and public key of receiver. Digital signature provide message authentication, Integrity and nonrepudiation but not privacy.
Working of DS-
Video Authentication Scheme for H.264
Encoder- Encoder for video- 14 Intra 4x4 and Inter MB DCAC (0,0) (3,0) (0,3) (3,3) (3,0) (3,3) (0,3) (0,0) Q 4X4 integer DCT T Original residual block Transformed and quantized block Feature data
Encoder (contd.) Intra 16x16 MB 15 T Q T 4X4 integer DCT 4X4 Hadamard transform Original 16x16 MB residual Transformed 16x16 MB Quantized Hadamard coefficients Q Feature data
Encoder (contd.) Collect all feature data of a MB for every picture. Insert picture number after a picture is coded Repeat process until end of sequence 16
Encoder (contd.) Signature generation for a coded video sequence 17 Feature data Hash (SHA) Generate signature D=DSA(H) Encryption E= RSA(D) Sender’s private key Receiver’s public key Append as SEI to video bitstream H D E
Encoder (contd.) Multiple signature generation a) Video = 1 or more video sequences b) Generate signature for every video sequence c) Append every signature as SEI in the corresponding video sequence 18
Decoder- Loam values only Features taken in transform domain Signature verification for every coded video sequence 19
Decoder (contd.) Intra 4x4 and Inter MB’s 20 DCAC (0,0) (3,0) (0,3) (3,3) 4x4 block of transform coefficients before inverse quantization Feature data
Decoder (contd.) Intra 16x16 MB 21 Transformed 16x16 MB before inverse quantization Hadamard coefficients before inverse quantization 15 AC coefficients Feature data
Decoder (contd.) Collect all feature data of a MB for every picture. Insert picture number after a picture is decoded Repeat process until end of sequence 22
Decoder (contd.) Signature verification for a coded video sequence 23 Feature data Hash (SHA) Verify signature D’’ = DSV(H’,D’) Decryption D’=RSA -1 (E’) Received video and signature D’’ =D’ Sender’s public key Receiver’s private key Video Authenticated Video NOT Authenticated E’ D’ D’’ H’ Yes No
Conclusion of Decoder- Tampering frames indicate the Signature failure Sender forgery indicate the Signature failure If we can not find out out the reason of signature failure and location of tampering then. Adjust the encoder to accommodate these issues. 24
References: DigitalSignature13.ppt