Proposal of Chandrayaan 1 The main person behind it was Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Signed up by the then Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2003 It took nearly 5 years time to excute the mission India’s first space craft, Chandrayaan 1 was launched to the moon on October 22, 2008;
Sophisticated Instruments Chandrayaan-1 consists of 5 Indian payloads : –Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) –Hyperspectral Imager (HySI) –Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI) –High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX) –Moon Impact Probe (MIP) It also consists of six abroad payloads : –Chandrayaan-1 Imaging X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) – by Rutherford Appleton Laboratory of England and ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. –Smart Near Infrared Spectrometer (SIR-2) – by Max Plank Institute of Germany. –Sub keV Atom Reflecting Analyser (SARA) – by Swedish Institute of Space Physics and Space Physics Laboratory (SPL) of ISRO’s Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre built its processing electronics. –Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM) – by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. –Mini Syntheic Aperture Radar (MiniSAR) – by Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory and Naval Air Warfare Centre, USA through NASA. –Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) – by Brown University and Jet Propulsion Laboratory through NASA
Mission Sequence: Launch into 240 km X km GTO by PSLV Two consecutive in-plane perigee maneuvers to achieve 386,000 km apogee (Lunar Transfer Trajectory -LTT) Coasting for 5 ½days in LTT prior to lunar encounter Satellite in near circular 1,000 km orbit of the moon In-plane corrections to reduce orbit height to 200 km, polar Study of orbit perturbations for 1-2 weeks Reduce orbit altitude to 100 km circular, polar Two year primary missionChandrayaan-1
Understanding the origin and Evolution of the Moon Physical Properties of the Moon -Topography -Gravity -Magnetic Field -Radiation -Environment Chemistry Nature -Nature of the Lunar Crust -The Lunar Far-side: Rock types
South Pole AitkenRegion Nature of Volatile Transport on Moon (Water on Moon?) Selected Basins and Craters with central uplift
LOOSING RADIO CONTACT Chandrayaan-I completed 312 days in orbit It made nearly 3,400 orbits around the moon Indian deep space network [IDSN] at Bayal near Bangalore received last signal through its antennas But ISRO announced that the mission was 90% completed
IT’S NOT A FALIURE IT’S LIFE IS CUT SHORT It provided a large amount of data from its sophisticated instruments such as TMC,HSI,M3 and so on It had done its job technically 100% It had sent back more than 70,000 images of the lunar surface,which provided breath taking views of lunar mountains and craters It took images of craters in the permanently shadowed region of the moon’s polar region It collected data on chemical and mineral content of moon’s soil
Moon surface picture taken from the equatorial region by Chandrayaan-1
Picture of the lunar surface taken from the polar region by Chandrayaan-1 The second picture has been taken over the equatorial region of the Moon. This picture was taken on November 13, 2008, by Chandrayaan-1’s TMC.
IMPACT OF CAHNDRAYAAN-I As the Indian spacecraft proved the existence of water many other organisations all over the world launched their own studies and machines The US space agency NASA has crashed a rocket into a crater on the south pole of the moon in the hope of detecting water. This is the first mission of the Constellation programme, which aims to take Americans back to the moon by 2020