Danyelle Mitchell CUR 532 Melinda Medina
Training program audience Training program goals Training program objectives Summative assessment of trainee learning
Training materials Identify the skills needed for effective distance learning facilitators. Describe the phases of development for distance learning facilitators. Identify the theories of distance learning. Describe the theories for engaging distance learners.
Mentoring program for faculty Identify the goals and objectives of the mentoring program. Identification criteria Management and evaluation programs for facilitators How might the faculty learning community approach affect management? Identify the specific challenges and strategies used to manage adjunct faculty from a distance. What evaluation strategies will you use for facilitators? How will the evaluation and management strategies align to the identification of effective faculty skills and behaviors in Part I? Learning platform (LMS/CMS) used by the distance learning faculty for facilitating their classes Provide a clear definition of which system is used, LMS or CMS. Identify processes facilitators will use to do the following: Include at least three different technology or media tools that engage and enhance student learning, such as the following: Audio Video Visuals and info graphics Games and simulations Include a clear description of how each technology or media tool will engage and enhance student learning.
A minimum of three different technology tools for student collaboration, such as the following: Wikis Blogs The classroom learning platform to be used Skype, Apple ® FaceTime ®, or other teleconferencing tools Mobile computing A description of the different distance learners A description of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous facilitation skills A minimum of three technology management issues and resolutions Classroom management issues and resolutions Messages Comments Audio Challenging behaviors Cyber-bullying Inappropriate posts Lack of participation or engagement