The proposed Newham Community Schools Trust Gateway 2 Briefing for Governors of Lister, Rokeby and Sarah Bonnell Schools February 4 th 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

The proposed Newham Community Schools Trust Gateway 2 Briefing for Governors of Lister, Rokeby and Sarah Bonnell Schools February 4 th 2015

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 2 Purpose of the presentation In November 2014 all three Governing Bodies approved an investigation by a joint working group of the proposed partnership and multi academy trust status: This presentation is a summary of that investigation:  To explain why the partnership is being proposed and outline the expected benefits of partnership  To propose key principles for the governance, leadership and management of the proposed Trust  To set out a proposed consultation plan Inform Governing Bodies so they can consider and decide whether to agree the proposed resolutions (Gateway 2) NB Governors sent working group update in January 2015

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 3 Recap of overall plan and Approval Gateways

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 4 Part 1 Rationale for the proposed partnership

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 5 Why we are proposing this partnership In an increasingly challenging education landscape WE WANT TO  Deliver better outcomes for pupils  Secure the future of our schools as high quality, locally accountable comprehensive schools AND CAN DO THIS TOGETHER AS  Three very good, schools continuing to improve year-on-year  Shared determination to become Outstanding within 2 years  Shared values and commitment to supporting the achievement of all young people in Newham

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 6 Enhanced staff development  Staff development is at core of our success – already good practice in sharing residentials, Aspire programme  Ambition to become a lead facilitator for in-school teacher training  Tailored CPD programmes commissioned and delivered more cost-efficiently  Wider pool of senior, middle and subject leaders on development programmes  Opportunities for secondments if desired, joint research projects, sharing of specialist expertise eg in SEN  Longer term stability and succession planning – more likely to attract and retain high quality candidates at all levels

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 7 Strengthened, continuing school improvement  Shared use and analysis of data to identify areas of excellent and under- performing practice  Networks of staff sharing best practice in key areas  Internal quality assurance  External verification

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 8 Richer teaching, curriculum and extended learning  Sharing of Good Practice  Ability to offer specialist subjects  Enhanced vocational offer across three schools  Joint specialist programmes for particular groups of students  Wider extra-curricular programmes  Secure better targeted care and support for students  Responding to national curriculum changes – not working in isolation

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 9 Stronger collective voice  Three voices louder than one  Group of three schools more stable and resilient than three individual schools  Opportunity to influence local (and national) school landscape  Protect each school’s individual ethos  Sustain comprehensive, inclusive education

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 10 Protecting staff  Commitment to adopt the model Trust union recognition agreement agreed by unions elsewhere in Newham Framework for union consultation and negotiation including annual pay awards and changes to policy  At least parity with national and local terms & conditions plus commitment to London living wage as minimum  Commitment to single tier workforce: all existing, new and promoted staff on consistent terms & conditions  Pay, terms & conditions and employment related policies protected at point of transfer under TUPE regulations

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 11 Part 2 Key principles of Trust governance, leadership and management

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 12 Considerations of multi academy trust status  Legal and regulatory framework for multi academy trusts including the responsibilities of Directors  Secretary of State legal powers of intervention in the Trust: Standards of performance of pupils at the Academy are a cause for concern Serious breakdown in the way the Academy is governed or managed Safety of pupils or staff is threatened Financial mismanagement or failure to operate within budget  Ensuring high standards of education across member schools  Appropriate governance structure and strategy to balance autonomy with collective responsibility and accountability  Financial regulation and procedures to run the Trust compliantly and efficiently  Being a single employer of staff across different schools with consistent, equitable and fair policies

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 13 Lister Local Governing Body Rokeby Local Governing Body Sarah Bonnell Local Governing Body LGB C’ttees Role of Local Governing Body (LGB) LOCAL GOVERNING BODY 8 key roles Support and challenge Headteacher Recommend School Performance targets and monitor progress Approve school plan to achieve targets Propose and monitor school budget Oversee staff deployment and management Admissions management Monitoring compliance with Trust regulations, policies and plans. Interface with parents and community

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 14 Leadership Group Lister Local Governing Body Rokeby Local Governing Body Sarah Bonnell Local Governing Body LGB C’ttees Role of Leadership group LEADERSHIP GROUP 7 key roles Recommend Trust strategic plan Review and comment on school performance targets Review and comment on school Development plans Review and recommend new schools to join Trust Propose and/or recommend key employment policies Propose Trust 1 year budget Review and consider staffing with Trust implications Other considerations All Headteachers but no CEO One Headteacher appointed Accounting Officer External SIP for critical challenge

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 15 Leadership Group Lister Local Governing Body Rokeby Local Governing Body Sarah Bonnell Local Governing Body Finance Committee LGB C’ttees Role of Finance and Audit Committees Audit Committee FINANCE & AUDIT C’TTEES 4 key roles Recommend and monitor Financial Regulations & Procedures Review, recommend and monitor Trust & school budgets Plan and oversee audit and recommend Annual Report and Financial Statements Provide input to annual pay awards

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 16 Trust Board of Directors Leadership Group Lister Local Governing Body Rokeby Local Governing Body Sarah Bonnell Local Governing Body Finance Committee LGB C’ttees Role of Trust Directors Audit Committee TRUST BOARD 7 key roles Set Trust strategic direction Ensure effective school performance and outcome for all pupils Hold LGB to account for school performance and pupil outcomes Intervene in schools in serious circumstances Determine detailed governance of Trust Oversee effective, efficient and compliant use of public funds Employer of staff

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 17 Trust Board of Directors Leadership Group Trust Members Lister Local Governing Body Rokeby Local Governing Body Sarah Bonnell Local Governing Body Finance Committee LGB C’ttees Role of Trust Members Audit Committee TRUST MEMBERS 2 key roles Hold Directors to account for Trust performance Approve changes to Articles of Association

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 18 Proposed Member and Board composition  Board to have maximum of 11 Directors  Each LGB to appoint two ‘school’ Directors, which will include at least the Chair or Vice Chair  Trust Directors to be appointed by 9 ‘school’ Directors. One Trust Director to be independent Chair Trust Board of Directors Rokeby Director Rokeby Director Sarah Bonnell Director Sarah Bonnell Director Lister Director Lister Director Lister Head Rokeby Head Sarah Bonnell Head Trust Director Trust Director Trust Members Lister Member Lister Member Rokeby Member Rokeby Member Sarah Bon. Member Sarah Bon. Member Ind. Member

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 19 Scenario 1: School Improvement Planning  Headteacher Develops school targets and improvement plan for next academic year Includes proposed staff complement, structure and grades Adds performance review when data available  Headteacher Consults with other Headteachers on the targets and improvement plan Discussion with Leadership Group on opportunities for support, synergies and efficiencies Leadership Group develops Trust targets and plan based on agreed shared priorities  Local Governing Body reviews and Recommends targets to the Trust Board  Local Governing Body Approves the proposed school improvement plan  Trust Board Approves school targets and Trust targets and plan  Headteacher, Leadership Group and LGB Monitor progress against targets  Leadership Group reports collective progress to the Trust Board

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 20 Scenario 2: School Budget setting & monitoring  Headteacher Develops school budget for next financial year Includes proposed staff complement, structure and grades  Local Governing Body reviews and Proposes school budget Detailed review to ensure feasibility and sustainability Recommend budget to Trust Finance Committee  Trust Finance Cttee reviews school budget and Recommends a Trust budget Satisfy themselves to the feasibility and sustainability of each school budget Identifies and considers opportunities for efficiency through joint commissioning or procurement Prepares Trust budget with costs to be recovered from each school e.g. audit & legal costs  Trust Board Approves overall Trust budget  LGB Monitors and presents reports to Finance Cttee  Finance Cttee Monitors and presents reports to Trust Board  Audit Committee oversees independent audit of annual accounts

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 21 Financial governance and management  Each school to retain its school funding as now: the General Annual Grant  Calculated by Education Funding Agency using Newham schools funding formula  Additional Education Services Grant will cover extra costs of academy status: no loss of funding for schools  Contribution by each school to Trust central costs as per agreed budget  Trust required to prepare and publish Annual Statement of Accounts and Trustees Report Independent audit of accounts  Compliance with Education Funding Agency requirements  Development of Trust financial regulations and procedures Single financial accounting software system for consistency Internal audit function Trust planning calendar

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 22 Part 3 Proposed consultation

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 23 Consultation objectives  To enable Governing Bodies to decide whether to proceed further with the proposal to create the Newham Schools Community Trust (working title) having consulted with stakeholders To present to stakeholders clear information on the proposal to establish the Newham Schools Community Trust To gather stakeholder feedback on the proposal and understand the level of stakeholder interest, support and objection  Consultation to run Thursday, February 5 th to Wednesday. March 24 th (7 calendar weeks and 6 academic weeks)  Consultation information will be based on the key principles set out in this presentation  Consultation reports to be considered by Governing Bodies at collective meeting in early April 2015

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 24 Consultation activity  Consultation stakeholders StaffParents and carers UnionsStudent Community leadersOther local schools Local Authority MPs and Councillors  Consultation packs published by each school Parent letter and FAQsStaff letter and FAQs Joint packs for LA, schools and MPs and Councillors Joint consultation pack for unions  School consultation meetings for students, parents & carers and staff  Joint union consultation meetings  Note: informal consultation and information sharing has already taken place; Staff have already been informally consulted with including meetings, letters, s, and FAQs since November 2014 Unions have been notified of the investigation of the proposed partnership, possible future formal consultation and the NUT actions to date Parents have also been advised of the investigation and possible formal consultation

Lister/ Rokeby / Sarah Bonnell 2015 Page 25 Next Steps Gateway 2: Feb 4 th  Governing Bodies to consider their specific resolutions and specifically whether to proceed with consultation  Feedback on the principles set out in the presentation  Working group to continue to develop more detailed proposals for Trust governance, leadership and management Gateway 3: April 2015  Governing Bodies to review consultation reports and decide whether to proceed further continue with proposed partnership  Feedback on detailed proposals for Trust Gateway 4: July 2015  Governing Bodies to consider outcome of TUPE consultation and decide whether to proceed with proposal  Approval of final legal documents for signing