Creating a Form
Accessing Docs Log into your USD 465 Google Account Click on the “Documents” link at the top of your screen
Creating a Form Click on the “Create new” button Select “Form” from the drop down menu
Creating a Form You will need to give your form a title in the first box In the second box you are going to put any directions for your form.
Enter your question in the Question Title Any directions in the Help Text And Select the type of question you want this to be. Creating a Form
If you want your question to be required, simply put a check in the box next to “make this a required question” Then click “Done” Creating a Form
To add another question simply click on the green “Add question” button at the top. You can also set a them by clicking on “Theme” at the top.
To edit a question hover over the question with your mouse and a pink hue should appear over the question. Creating a Form
Click on the pencil icon on the far right to edit the question. The double squares will copy the question. The trash can icon will delete the question Creating a Form
When you are done adding your questions press “Save” in the top right corner. You can customize the message that will be received after submitting the form under “more actions” and selecting “Edit confirmation” Creating a Form
You can your form using the “ ” feature at the top of the page Creating a Form
You can include the form in the , but take caution in doing so. Can be confusing for users. Creating a Form
You can send out the URL located at the bottom of your screen. Simply copy and paste the URL into an or Moodle course Creating a Form
1.You can pull up a spreadsheet of the responses to your form. 2.Go to your Google Docs. 3.In the center of your screen you will see all of your Google Documents 4.Click on your form and the spreadsheet will open. Creating a Form
If you would like to edit your form click on “Form” at the top and select “Edit Form” Creating a Form
If you would like to see the “live” version of the form click on “Go to live form” Creating a Form