M&E LEARNING AND EXCHANGE FORUM December, 2011 Presentation by RTIMP December, 2011 Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP)
Goal: To enhance income and food security Main purpose: To build a competitive market-based R & T Commodity Chains -Component A: Commodity Chain Linkages -Component B: Root and Tuber Crop Production -Component C: Root and Tuber processing Business and Marketing Component D: Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Brief Programmme Background
Completed the design of M&E System. Core Elements of the System ; i.) M&E Log Frame, ii.) M&E Manual including M&E Matrix and iii.) AWPBs Organisation of the system / Levels of measurement: Regular Monitoring (Activities and Outputs) Evaluation (Outcomes and Impact ), Information Management Reporting (on crosscutting issues) Information processing and sharing eg processing of experiences and success stories Programme M&E system
- Component A: Commodity Chain Linkages Performance of value chains -Component B: Root and Tuber Crop Production Productivity, Adoption Decrease in pest and disease incidence -Component C: Root and Tuber processing Business and Marketing Adoption, Sales, Performance of Businesses Main Results Being Captured / Key Outcomes
Emphasises record keeping by the beneficiaries themselves Used to capture financial transactions by entrepreneurs /actors in the commodity chain Used to analyse financial performance --profitability --sustainability Training support from BACs of NBSSI The Initiative—Use of ERB
Peeling Bay at a GPC
Supports business decision making Determines sustainability of the GPCs Source of M&E data. Motivation for the use of ERB
Positive Experience Data in ERB now the base / source data for financial analysis Making sound business decisions Identification of high cost centres Challenges Low educational background of most actors Taking much time for actors to appreciate / embrace the concept Positive Experiences and Challenges
Key Lessons Financial performance is crucial for sustainability of the initiatives of the GPCs Provides opportunities to develop framework for assessing areas for improvements Way Forward Use of ERB data to assess sustainability of programme outcomes Extend ERB to the other actors of the value chain (eg farmers) Combine financial data with qualitative data (eg from POA) for outcomes of the Programme Key Lessons and Way Forward
Financial performance is key for sustaining outcomes Combination of qualitative and quantitative data ensures effective assessment of outcomes. RTIMP now has mechanism in place for measuring / assessing outcomes From end of 2011, Greater emphasis on outcomes Conclusion