Audience Research Audience research is possibly the most important element of research in post production.
Aim of audience research. To find out who your target audience/demographic are. To find out who your target audience/demographic are. To gather evidence of audience expectations of the artist, genre and form. To gather evidence of audience expectations of the artist, genre and form. To ensure you adhere to those audience expectations…. To ensure you adhere to those audience expectations…. ….or choose to subvert them. ….or choose to subvert them.
Audience Research Methods Questionnaire Questionnaire Interviews Interviews Focus group Focus group Preview screenings Preview screenings
Questionnaire Should be a balance of open and closed questions (qualitative and quantitative data). Should be a balance of open and closed questions (qualitative and quantitative data). Should have a flow, build to longer answer open questions. Should have a flow, build to longer answer open questions. Should help you formulate your ideas Should help you formulate your ideas Should help you identify your target demographic. Should help you identify your target demographic. Should not be too long and onerous! Should not be too long and onerous!
Suitable questions for music promo productions Closed or optional Age Age Gender Gender Ethnicity? Ethnicity? Preferred genres of film Preferred genres of film Specific interest in stars. Specific interest in stars. Specific interest in directors. Specific interest in directors. Anything that the sample can give a yes or no answer to. Anything that the sample can give a yes or no answer to.
Open examples Open examples ‘ Please state what it is about trailer’s made in this genre that you admire/like/enjoy.’ ‘How important do you feel the marketing of a film is to its success? ‘ Can you name a trailer you particularly enjoyed and explain why?’
The sample You need to think carefully about who you give the questionnaire to. You need to think carefully about who you give the questionnaire to. Demographic of sample – age group(s), gender mix, ethnic groups. Demographic of sample – age group(s), gender mix, ethnic groups. The size of the sample – ideally The size of the sample – ideally The intelligence of the sample! The intelligence of the sample!
Lastly… analysis The questionnaire is useless until the data both qualitative and quantitative has been analysed! The questionnaire is useless until the data both qualitative and quantitative has been analysed! Do not ‘sit on’ the completed typed master copy. Photocopy, give out, retrieve and analyse as quickly as possible. Do not ‘sit on’ the completed typed master copy. Photocopy, give out, retrieve and analyse as quickly as possible. No group will be allowed to begin filming until all group members have evidenced their audience research findings No group will be allowed to begin filming until all group members have evidenced their audience research findings