Key Question: What causes Rome to change from a Republic to an Empire?


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Presentation transcript:

Key Question: What causes Rome to change from a Republic to an Empire? Rome Becomes an Empire Key Question: What causes Rome to change from a Republic to an Empire?

Patricians versus Plebeians Both the consuls and the Senate represented the interests of the patricians– the hereditary aristocrats and wealthy classes There were tension between the Patricians and Plebeians- poor working class. In honor of the Roman plebeians, freshmen at West Point are called plebes

Republic Crumbling Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi worked to limit the amount of conquered land an individual could hold They met strong resistance from the wealthy and ruling classes and were both assassinated (around 120 BC) Years of civil wars would follow. Eventually resulting an Oligarchy called a Triumvirate (3 person rule).

First Triumvirate 53-45BC For about 8 years Rome was ruled equally by three people. Julius Caesar Gniaus Pompey Marcus Crassus What are some problems with an Oligarchy? Another Civil War will breakout Between Caesar and Pompey

“I came, I saw, I conquered” “Veni, vidi, vici” “I came, I saw, I conquered” Julius Caesar The Senate does not trust Caesar because he is very popular among the Plebeian Class. Therefore senate exiles him to Gaul Julius Caesar became famous as a General in Gaul. He conquered Gaul and made it part of the Roman Empire Pompey is afraid of Caesars growing power Gaul (now mostly France)

Civil War Julius Caesar Gnaius Pompey Pompey and Julius Caesar fought a Civil war for the power and control of Rome

Crossing the Rubicon, 49 BC “Alea iacta est” “The Die is Cast!” Julius Caesar defeats Pompey on the battlefield Pompey flees to Egypt Next he turns his sights on Rome itself. To get to Rome he must cross Rubicon River.

Julius Caesar Crosses The Rubicon Julius Caesar is declared “Dictator for Life” by the Roman Senate.

Julius Caesar in Egypt Cleopatra Julius Caesar -Caesar chases Pompey to Egypt and meets Cleopatra. -They have a child together. (Caesarion) -Cleopatra help convince Caesar to start wearing a crown. Cleopatra Julius Caesar

Caesar is Murdered! Caesar is Killed by fellow Senators “Roman People you are free from Dictatorship” Brutus

Caesar Augustus 63 BC-14 AD Octavian was winner of 18 years civil war (Sea Battle of Actium) Designated heir of Julius Caesar Was of the family of Caesar (adopted) so he took the name Caesar Given the name Augustus by the Senate

Battle of Actium Cleopatra believed that her son Caeserion was the rightful Emperor. (She had a point) Octivian/Augustus would not have this and sent his best general, Mark Antony, to deal with her. Mark Antony, however, fell for Cleopatra. Soon they both were planning a coup or government overthrow. Octavian assembled a fleet and defeated Antony at the the sea Battle of Actium. Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide.

Rome’s Golden Age Under Augustus Rome reaches its greatest power. By this time Rome has a vast culture that includes art and entertainment. Gladiators, Chariot racers are well known. Pax Romana- Roman Piece

Principal Roman Emperors

Roman Exhibit In Groups you will make a exhibit detailing the change from Republic to Empire. Create a poster describing the great change Rome went through from 120BC-30BC Your Poster should: Explain why the republic fell apart. Info about the social division in Rome (Plebeians and Patricians) Include a description of the following people: Tiberious and Gaius Gracci, Julius Caesar, Pompey, Augustus, Mark Antony, Cleopatra Include pictures and color on your display. Use your notes and book to gather information about the assignment.