Safety Rules READ, READ, READ Locate –firealarms –eyewash Work with a buddy Declutter
Safety Rules Tie back long hair & tuck in clothes & wear closed shoes Eye Safety –wear safety goggles –use the eyewash – lots of water (notify teacher) Spills (notify teacher) –On clothes –On Counter –On Floor Clothing Protection –Aprons –Lab jackets
Safety Rules Cutting –Never cut something while holding it in your hands. Put it on a secure cutting surface –Carry knives or scissors with pointed side down Heat & Fire –always wear goggles –Oven mitts –flames toward middle of table & away from all papers and chemicals Electricity –Cords should not be tripping hazards –Cords should not hang over the edge of a table –Inspect the cord for fraying or damage –When plugging in or out »Hands dry »Turned off
Safety Rules Chemicals –Goggles –Read labels –gloves, aprons when using certain chemicals (acids or bases) –Spills on skin– rinse immediately for 5 minutes –Eyes – eye wash –Never touch, taste, or smell unless instructed to do so. –Never mix any chemicals unless told to do so. This includes water. (water plus sodium is explosive)
Safety Rules Animals –Live »Handle carefully & respectfully »Wash hands after –Dead »Handle carefully & respectfully »Wash hands after even if wearing latex gloves Plants –wash hands after handling –Do not eat any part of plant unless instructed to do so
Safety Rules Glassware –examine before using – no chips or cracks –if heating the glass – it should be heat resistant Cleanup –always completely clean your work area before leaving –put away all equipment & supplies –Dispose of chemicals as directed –recheck to be sure all gas, burners, and water sources are turned off –Is all electrical equipment turned off & unplugged –wash all contaminated surfaces with soap and water –wash hands –never remove anything from the laboratory without permission from the teacher