National Park Vincent Brito
Location Rocky Mountains Region-West State-Colorado Capital-DenverCapital-Denver Longitude °w4 Latitude-40.4°n
Landforms Rocky mountains created most of our land forms The slow moving sheets of ice carved the Rocky Mountains These piles of earth and rocks formed the Rocky Mountains Longs peak is the highest peak in the park
Culture Many different people lived in the Rockies American Indians lived in the Rockies for thousands of years Ute Indians hunted elk and moose Miners trapper and explorers lived in the Rockies
Waterways There are many waterways in the Rockies These piles of rock formed natural dams that made mountain lakes Sprague lake is in the Rocky Mountains
Rocks and Minerals Minerals in the Rockies. Copper is easily the most valuable metallic resource of the Rocky Mountains The Rockies are most noted for their under ground mines for silver gold and zinc