Kurzweil and UDL How it can help within the classroom. By: Heather Chase
Universal Design for Learning The Universal Design for Learning is a way of designing an environment so that it can reach the largest number of people without having to make as many adaptations for individuals. UDL encourages the use of technology, such as Kurzweil, to ensure students can succeed in all areas of academics. Kurzweil displays the ability to touch on the 3 UDL principles of multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement.
Kurzweil 3000 Kurzweil is a writing and reading software for students with various needs. It is an educational software that provides text-to- speech abilities. Kurzweil allows highlighted words to be looked up in a dictionary and read aloud. The multiple means of representation is abided through the ability to track reading, to change the colour and size of font, and use the dictionary. This software also has test-taking programs, and study skills incorporated into it. Any printed textbooks can be scanned and read in Kurzweil, so that students can become more familiar with the layout and presentation of text.
What Kurzweil can do Individual students can use Kurzweil as they read, study, and take notes. Students can even write notes and be brainstorming ideas beside the text, within the same program. This helps students include more detail from the original text. The second principle, multiple means of expression, is demonstrated as students can make study notes by extracting highlighted text, or proofreading by hearing their written work read aloud.
What Kurzweil can do (cont.) Teachers can use Kurzweil to make footnotes, voice bubbles, and bubble notes. Bubble notes can contain pre-, post-, and during-reading questions within the text to engage the students in a lesson. A whole class can use Kurzweil on the projector, and as they go through the text they can highlight and discuss paragraphs together. (Students can also be given hand outs to follow along.)
Who benefits? Kurzweil helps students who are English as an Additional Language learners, students with learning disabilities, students with low vision or physical disabilities, as well as high achiever students. From actively participating with the lesson or the independent work time, using Kurzweil students engage more fully. Students can help one another more easily with this program, which in turn increases their own confidence as a learner.
Who benefits? Kurzweil touches on the multiple means of engagement as students who once struggled with reading can now access books of various reading levels and interests. Kurzweil aids comprehension and lessens frustration as it reduces stress and fatigue while reading. The long task of reading becomes easier, shorter, and more independent for many students, which increases motivation and life-long learning!
Resources Cambium Tech. “Kurzweil 3000: How Blake Middle School uses Kurzweil 3000 in the Classroom Video.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 30 March Web. 8 May Cambium Tech. “Kurzweil 3000: More Than Text-to-Speech-Teach and Learn Anywhere.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 17 Aug Web. 8 May Cambium Tech. “Kurzweil 3000: Video of Assistive Technology that Changes Lives.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 8 April Web. 8 May College in Focus. “Kurzweil 3000: Universal Design: Empowering the Next Generation.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 2 March Web. 8 May Kurzweil Education System. Kurzweil 3000 supports Universal Design for Learning. Massachusetts.