KEYSTONE EXAMS What Students Need to Know!
Keystones Replace PSSA Tests PSSAs are no longer used for high school students PSSAs are no longer used for high school students Keystone Exams are End of Course Exams in: Keystone Exams are End of Course Exams in: Algebra, Biology and Literature Algebra, Biology and Literature State Required State Required BASD Requires Math and Reading Proficiency for Graduation- so do your best! BASD Requires Math and Reading Proficiency for Graduation- so do your best!
Who Takes the Keystone Exams? Any 9 th, 10 th and 11 th grade student who has EVER taken Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Biology or Biology or 10 th Grade English 10 th Grade English
TESTING SCHEDULE Wed. January 16 th – ALGEBRA Thurs. Jan 17 th - LITERATURE Frid. Jan18th- BIOLOGY Students report at normal time (7:40am). Report DIRECTLY to your testing location. Testing begins immediately at 7:45 and will end at 11:15. Busses will take all testing students home at 11:30. No breakfast or lunch will be served Non-testing student should report to class at 12 noon.
Algebra Exam Info
Literature Exam Info
Biology Exam Information
IMPORTANT Do’s and Don’ts DO: Follow All Directions Read Each Question Carefully Carefully Bubble Every Answer Go over your test before handing it in DON’T: Bring ANY Electronic Devices to the Test Share your calculator with anyone Talk to anyone during or about the test
ELECTRONIC DEVICES CALCULATORS will be provided by the school district. Phones will not be allowed to be used as calculators. Electronic devices such as ipods, phones, programmable calculators, etc. will be collected and placed in envelopes for the duration of the test. These will be returned as students exit the room to leave for the day.
CONSEQUENCES The consequence of any infraction of the testing procedures and rules could result in a SUSPENSION from school.